russian version on main Get acquainted with: map of site "ECORUS"

The Academy scientific art.

(remote, for friends)

"FAK System Art"
(the celtic patterns мандалы Slaviyaniya янтры the ornaments and etc.)

"Fak Combat Art" Any сакральное scene - else and Shield and Mech.

"Fak Communal Occupation" shall Build the magic ark in stagnant stream.
Otyschem friends - and in guests


"Fak Landshaftnyh Plays"
1. Play "Avatar"
- Fall into its Metro (засекаешь time)
- Leave on stations "Figure Noosfery"
- Find monument in pose Avatara
- Sit on bus and go short of stress
- find In temple image type "Peak (silt start) Avatara"
- But where Vsecarica , where He and he?
- fall Into M "Warm Figure" (how much time for all has left?)
- write Fairy tale of the type "Adventures Avatara"

"Fak Меtro-fan"

"Building of the underground could be in the beginning shown only by making the new type for Moscow of the transport. Indeed she changed in safe underground в-скую era. Her(its) great contents not only in that that VWVdig through splendid subways under the land, are cut through new avenues, возведены and are raised монументальные of the building on the land, but else and in that that together with cobblestone bridge disappears and human cobblestone".
.. Side and main. All have mixed up the visionaries. The Silt Ilif and Evgeniy Petrov. Rogulika. The Oven prongs from Sokolinikov before Mohovoy and fork медвежья, southwester on Crimean, but on Smolenskuyu northeaster - turned out to be gun. The Relay рогатиной. From Genriha Grigorievicha was sent Nikolayu Ivanovichu. From weakened hands last went straight in iron Lavrentiya Pavlovicha. Worked. Alas. And Belomorkanal, and Metrostroy, and DNEPROGES.

In 1935 "M" was an рогатиной (the опричиной) of the country. But now?
The Riddle - a test on skill system to think:

Here goddess Excrements.
But here that?

1.Она? The Landlady of the Moscow?
2."ZAIC,ZAIC" with sidelong and shield?
3.Царевна - a frog on broom horseback?
4.Или itself SHiva - Trezub on south-west flies?

Здесь Мудрый Гор-псиса Египта.
А здесь хто? Или что? Тоже "М"?

But here is else метроигрушки:
find On "Dobryninskoy" sawhorse and sea gull.
Poischi in централ-metro square-wave wave - a symbol of happiness and saddle her(it).
А on "Tuliskoy" - a sex "M" "Fak Sinteziki"
The Science beautifully marry oppositions.

Mandala "Snowflake".


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