ECOTURIZM    russian version

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Scientifically-ecological expeditions.

Information on nearest expedition see in section of the news.
We Invite to take part in serieses scientifically-ecological expedition on study of the possibilities of the opening the abilities of the person. The Expected results: rejuvenation of the organism, removing slag, recovery, opening the abilities, including reconstruction to abilities of the natural feeding and body management by method to conscious will. The Expeditions conducts the physicist, biologist-physiologist, associate member to International Academy Physician-Technical Sciences Elena Borisovna Alex. She concerns with the study a characteristic "powder Avicenny" and has conducted several expeditions on territory Turkmenistan and FAR EAST. Conclusions врачей and scientist are Received. The Expeditions pass on coast Azovskogo epidemic deathes. For one, wants комфортно repose, accomodation in sanitarium ashore epidemic deathes. The route is Developed on Krymu.


The Reporting about scientifically-ecological expedition. March 19 from Moscow.

In Novorossiysk snow
We Go to Lazarevskoe
Too snow!
Such snow here rarity
The Chill - Power!
Tan on snow
To dolimens!
Grandparent Frost and Snegurochka
But beside cave with river
Inwardly stalactites, stalagmites
Seductive comfort cafe
Dolimen in courtyard of the building
Barefoot to health
Possible and upwards legs
Fruits to civilizations
Possibilities of the person
Type from tent of the camp
"keep;observe Purity!"
Pshadskie dolimens
"Easy chair of god"
"Puerperal ways of the land-mothers"
Dolimen of desires
Dolimen of gift
Lake in facilities "Dolimen"
Dolimen beside river Zhane
Bathing seaborne
Temperature + 2 degrees
Large cossack village
City Eysk

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