ECOTURIZM    russian version

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Ecovillages of Russia.

Here material is presented about already established экопоселениях Russia such as - Grishino (refer to. below), Neva-Ekovil, Kitezh, Big Stone and others., as well as about only ing... On this settlings are conducted excursions, on road You will tell in detail about motion "Zvenyaschie cedars to Russia", new technology of the processing the land without plowing, cheap ecological construction of the houses, alternative энерго and теплоснабжении, about undertaking in these settlings different seminar, holiday, rite, festivals and multim other. S the excursion an aurochs "Green ring to Russia". The Many поселенцам does not like, when their disturb so before trip obligatory conversation.

Ekoposelenie Grishino.

When roll from Petersburg in Kareliyu, where - that in region of the stream of the Pasha - suddenly - op - and you in other Vselennoy. The Silence, machines nearly no, people too is not seen, only once in a while sit the грибники with лукошками, with grant wood - a boron. The Distant province неискарQженная nature. Though and here walked iron Drovosek, wild timber and marsh places else it is more than enough. One of such диковато - a natural places - a merging stream Vazhinki and Muzhaly. Peacefully - sleepy summer and passionately - a thundering springtime, carry they the most clean their own water in broad певучую Sviri-Spruces Sister.
Only ended the driving of ice, fishermen already stroll on coast, waving long fishing rod. But summer strerched folk on mushrooms - a berries At the last years all more town people scramble over here for ever or if only for year season. А in Grishino was in general settled aiming big company "green"- vegetarian. Want and nature оздоравливать, and itself too. Reject unnecessary, bad town habits, recall and revive best that was beside our distant (and not much) limit. Master that good that there is in the other culture. Something, speak, is got, something until much The Main - a command formed for 10 years, and are now put tasks on "broad" shoulder.
For instance - a creation Natural - a History Territory on river Vazhinke. Below - several "rose" photosharp pain from their biographies.

Boris Krivulin.

Ecovillage Grishino 2006 Summer Program
May 7-9, Pulse of the Earth Drumming Workshop
Led by Seagull Pavel Tyryshkin

We invite you to the ecovillage Grishino for a drumming workshop. Springtime-this is the time of awakening which inspires us to a shared journey into the rhythmic flow which lives inside us and in everything around us. Beginners and advanced drummers will discover the creativity of being at one with nature.
In this journey we will delve deeply into the ethnic rhythms of Africa and the Middle East.
Bring your own drum or reserve one beforehand with the workshop organizers. Space is limited, so please register in advance. The cost of the workshop is 90 euros, including food and accommodations.
To pre-register write to <> or <>.

July 1-7, Workshop on Folk Handicrafts

We invite adults and children-all who would like to share with us the joy of creating with wood, birch bark, and clay. We will reveal to you the world of traditional handicrafts-the inheritance of our ancestors, for whom handicrafts were not simply work, but a process for exploring themselves and the Universe.
You will also have an opportunity to participate in the daily life of our ecovillage Grishino, and to meet the people who live here. We look forward to welcoming you, to sharing work, rest, organic vegetarian meals, food prepared with love, our Russian sauna, and much more.
The cost of the workshop including vegetarian meals and accommodations is adults - 180 euros, children 110 euros. There is a discount for couples and residents of ecovillages. Space is limited, so please register in advance. To pre-register write to <>.
We will send information on what to bring and how to reach our community in a separate letter together with confirmation of your registration.

July 22, Ecovillage Network Meeting
On this day we have meeting of the Russian Ecovillage Network. We invite friends from ecovillages of other countries to join us and share the experience in networking.

July 23, Earth Day Celebration

"The earth may be huge, but it is very, very sensitive."-Anastasia
On this day we will celebrate our oneness with Mother Earth. We will greet the dawn and spend the morning in silence and solitude, contemplating our destiny. Then we will gather around the holiday alter laden with the gifts of nature to share our joy and thankfulness in song and dance.

July 24-30, Ecovillage and Family Seminar
Led by Ivan and Antonina Kuliasovy
We invite all those seeking their soul mate, those who have found their mates and created families, those who want to learn how it was to live in traditional Russian culture, those who live, or want to live, in an ecovillage, and those who simply want to know what IT is.
You can get to know each other, possibly THAT MEETING will occur which you have long dreamed about. Also, you will meet happy couples, who already have had THAT MEETING, and they will share their experience. The leaders Ivan and Antonina Kuliasovy from the ecovillage "Bolshoi Kamen" will teach us about youth, wedding, and family traditions of our ancestors. You will learn to facilitate these kinds of gatherings at home. And you will participate in the life of the ecovillage Grishino, meet its members, and get to know the members of other ecovillages in Russia and abroad.
Seminar themes:
* Northern Russian traditions: youth culture, weddings, families
* the ecovillage as a way of life
* the ecovillage network
* children, family life, and school in ecovillages
Also, participants will have the opportunity to learn the traditional methods of:
* baking bred without yeast
* making traditional Russian "kvas" and herbal drinks
* gathering herbs, preparing Russian "Ivan-chai" tea
* living without soap
* binding birch branches (for the sauna)
* making traditional ritual dolls
* sewing traditional clothing and creating ornaments
Special attention will be given to traditional folk dances, songs, and games. During this time we will get to know each other, work together, rest, eat organic vegetarian meals, prepare food with love together with the seminar participants, take banyas (Russian sauna), and much more.
In the end all couples will perform the ritual of "Velichanie" (Glorification), after which the new couples can set out to receive their parents' blessing.
The cost of the workshop including vegetarian meals and accommodations is adults - 180 euros, children 110 euros. There is a discount for couples and residents of ecovillages. Space is limited, so please register in advance. To pre-register write to <>.
We will send information on what to bring and how to reach our community in a separate letter together with confirmation of your registration.

August 11-18, Grishino Gathering of Taoist Hermits
Led by Nikolai Kirillov
Imagine that you are a Taoist hermit, in good company with other such hermits, in an extraordinary place of amazing natural purity.
We will study Tsigun exercises, which help us discover long life. We will learn the Yang style of Tai Chi of the Dong family, which emphasizes the practical aspects, and teaches the unique "explosive" method of the Yang style.
Combat and vitalization practices will be augmented with the primary Taoist practice-an integrated perception of life-as well as Taoist hikes for the edible mushrooms and nourishing berries, Taoist fishing excursions, and the search for the secret Karboples-Ikstlan-on-the-Vazhinka. Also, the Grishino banya (Russian sauna) will help dissolve and purify the pill of immortality. Finally, we will help the Grishino family gather the harvest and prepare for winter in friendly camaraderie with good people.
The vitalization-combat part of the gathering will be led by Nikolai Kirillov (practiced Tai Chi Chuan for 20 years, two-time champion…, several time prizewinner…, many time participant…, and so on). The hermit excursions through the forest thickets will be led by the Grishino family. A short retreat camp on the shores of Vachozera Lake can be arranged for a few hours or a couple days, if hermits desire.
The cost of the 8-day seminar is 190 Euro, including accommodations and vegetarian meals. There is a discount for hermit couples and residents of ecovillages.
In view of the limited space of the Grishino hay-loft, the number of participants will be strictly limited, so reserve your space early. To pre-register please write to <> or <>.
We will send information on what to bring and how to reach our community in a separate letter together with confirmation of your registration.
In the northwest of Russia, in the historical village of Grishino (300 km North East of St. Petersburg), at the confluence of two rivers, for over ten years we have lived and built up an ecological village.
We came here from different cities to live on the land in harmony with each other and with Nature. We all have different world-conceptions, but we are learning to accept each other and to co-create together our community.
Five families live in Grishino ecovillage all year round. We have several traditional Russian styled, community and private houses. We grow what we eat in our vegetable gardens, and gather lots of herbs from a large meadow of wildflowers. Our ecovillage is surrounded by natural forests, where we gather berries, and mushrooms, and in which there live many kinds of wild birds and animals, like beavers, moose, bears, hares, foxes, wolves, wild cats, and many others. We are starting a project on ecological forest management.
We aim to continue the cultural traditions of our ancestors, learning the folk arts, their songs and dances, woodcraft, ceramics and village architecture; and we are endeavoring to create a family school for our children.
Each summer we hold seminars for adults and children where one can participate in the spiritual life and work of our community and to merge with the spirit of Russian nature.

Obschak against Globalizacii (the history to ecovillages of Russia).

Many people of the senior generation outlive presently: "Built, built Something light nearly whole age - and here is - all cat under tail!" Although and built that so - spit, пофигень all this. But don't care presently offensively. Like better was. However as presently turned out to be - outlive does not cost(stand). Our relay-race has caught the former enemies. Their youth. In the last 15-20 years (after "decay" just, but more exactly "blast mature бутона" - an Alliance) on the whole Land appeared and successfully sprout, our "seed" - a communes. Presently their several thousand - worldwide, on all continent. Their name differently: communes, коньюниты, эковили (from angel. Ecovillage) Contact просиходит through internet, e-mail, гостевание. There all are, no some паханов-dictator, no even some co-ordinations though be general meeting, conferences. Such "free structure of" motion as a whole is due to liberties inwardly each communes. Moreover, this not anarchy, but co-ordination or established rules of the dormitory. Form such взаимотерпимые relations quite often not year not two, but can be and ten years. And impossible beside someone something "write off". After all, the communes be from 10-20 persons (most often) before several cocurrents and even thousands. You say: "Yes that can do горстка полузеленых peace fanatic? With their own suitable shovel and calm ветряками? After all, there is миллиарды others the thirsty noise, motion, iron squeak " But I отвечу: "What know, after all not once left the Tot against Velikana and won. Usually not power - but on Plot." Ithaca поживем - see.
But write this wanted exactly here in provinces since similars here, specifically has not worn down the someone else civilization. And so, can be, possible peacefully дождаться her(its) recoil and peacefully and honestly bow in field valorous, loved, such, stupid, but native limit. And some - a steep последкам.

Fifteen years back , at May just, here, on Volhovschine - in Old Ladoge - was born first in Russia ecological settling - Ekopolis.
Has Occurred this nearly accidentally In Moscow three days worked the big Ecological Conference, were going to "green" with the whole light, judged - an рядили: " That to do? The Land after all каюк!" Many young left then from city, were given in Hippie, кучковались in communes and communes. More Working created the communes - "комьюнити". But in Russia nothing like was not and nobody did not know - what begin - no neither money, nor land And here rises enormous, curly, улыбчатый lad - a Tolite Sea gull: "Arrive to us in Get old Ladogu! And all will!" So and happened.
Three years in большом two-story stone house on Malyshevoy Grief smoke stood the yoke. For time Aging Ladoga again became the Capital. Folk met not only with Moscow - Peter, Caucasus - Kryma or Sakhalin, but also with Africas - an America - an Europe. Who there only was not! The Teacher and Guru all colour and tone, missionaries all "sects" and religion, every sort and kind of целители - an оздоровители. But soiree beside campfires were cried us вжилетку local кгбешники - as their have got прибалты, as all incomprehensibly. But here is hippie in this commotion were as fish in water. Otcapali itself greater common-room, something there дрынчали, something there singed, but other did not disturb. And we, идеалисты, their did not notice - such were a timeses - all "liberty", Great Chaos, anarchy - a mother of the order. Probably rules by world then itself батько Mahno Not in vain see always beside us was aiming crowd with Kryma and Ukraines "We veins in Great Epoch"- ностальгирует presently our expensive Edichka Lemon - a leader russian наци (the truth, ukrainian itself). Though this he - about USSR. Possible, there was b to write safe "World and war" (last sometimes ripened with local - in подпитии ), but was then pieces 5 articles in "Volhovskih Lights", were my article in central press. Silinyuschee was time, for three years we rallied the world experience, and bang - бутончик лопнул, семена разлетелись Ekopolisy entrenched in Luganske, Krymu, Caucasus, Altai, Vologde Presently prospers "Ekopolis" under Minusinskom - there thousand two persons and religious directivity (beside us-that was a principle - "started place" - великорусская tolerance, peaceful nature староладожского Georgiya, not offending even Zmiya - Gorynycha "inedible") Good name sooner whole they have thrown up Volodya Mizger, our veteran, then else leader "проманархизма". Personally I several years with delight traced our "детишек", travelled on country, as it were co-ordinated But strange came the timeses - a plants have got up, but then yard - a lake were cleaned, fish заиграла, yes кушанькать became the nonhis(its). Too not much interesting although and "victory of" ecology. Presently like goes the ascent, do not starve, but amicable agreement "machine" did not nap all this time, problem did not disappear that - that it is necessary again "green" do - and do. We Create экодома, экодеревеньки absolutely new type - an эковили (from angel. village ), their presently thousand on the whole leucorrhoea light. There is such motion and beside us - in Podporozhskom region - d.Grishino, in Syasistroe, can be else where But this already other song

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