CHILDREN'S CREATIVITY russian version on main map of site "ECORUS" national creativity |
Cheerful toys from... The test. Probably, you already heard such names, as "mykosol", "hlebosol" or " the Arkhangelsk bioceramics ". It is an ancient national craft from the Arkhangelsk area. Its basic advantage that any toy or a picture can be made in domestic conditions of materials which always are near at hand. And the main thing make it the small child may even! In olden time these toys gave each other in holidays and sentenced: " I Give you hlebosol that bread yes salt that there was in the house an abundance was! " Northern peoples trusted in kind force of a nature and worshipped many animal, whose images and made from hlebosol . For example, the bear was a symbol of power, a goat - a crop and kind force, the ram and the cow - fertility, and northern deer - a successful marriage and abundance. Well and today we shall try to make these toys together with you. So, we shall begin. 1. We make a dough For work it is required to us: 1 glass of a flour of the premium, 0,5 glasses of salt (both that and another without additives, differently toys will crack), 0,5 glasses of cold water. Salt and a flour it is mixed, then gradually we add water and as follows knead a dough, we put it in the enameled utensils with a cover and is left "to ripen" on 6-12. 2. We mould toys It is required to us: 3 small thin damp rags (it is possible old handkerchiefs), metal covers (for example, from coffee or for conservation), plastic spoon, tubules and other triviality to which can make various prints on the test. We mould a toy and we put on a cover. Rag it is used during a moulding that a dough not dry and hands were clean. For an example I shall describe how to make the hedgehog, a turtle and a pond with swans. The hedgehog
Pond with swans
3. We dry and is burnt We dry toys in oven to a case of a usual gas or electric plate on smallest fire. If fire in an oven is badly adjusted, slightly open a door. To dry it is necessary until the toy does not become firm. It is possible in two, three calls, thus the toy should remain white. If during drying were formed small crack, they can be closed up damp hot rag then to continue drying. 4. We paint with a toy It is required to us: paints water colour or gouache art, brushes ¹ 0, 1, 2, 3 kolinsky or squirrel, an old not writing felt-tip pen, tampons (a match with cotton wool or ready), the plastic napkin or any other laying to not spoil with paints a table. It is possible to cover all figure with a paint and then to draw eyes, a nose, a mouth, claws etc. And it is possible to leave, a dough not colour and simply to add details. The wool can be represented zigzag movement of a brush, cheeks to a doll to draw a tampon. Hair at dolls are made of a synthetic wool or thread and pasted by glue. By the same glue it is pasted ready figures to a basis in a picture. A basis may be a sacking, wallpaper, a fabric. Do not overlook what to render the following layer of a paint it is necessary only then when will dry up previous. For example, eyes all over again we draw white, then - blue, then black. 5. We varnish It is required to us: a brush ¹3 synthetic, a varnish colourless furniture, it is possible to use even a nail varnish. Figure all over again we varnish from above, and then from below. To not varnish it is possible only those figures which are painted tempera or oil paints. Well that's all. Now you may make toys to yourselves or in presents for your friends and relatives. Represent, as it will be pleasant for them to receive a gift made by your hands, instead of bought in shop. Dream, try, and at you all will turn out. Successes to you! ÎÊî. Write: |
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