russian version on main map of site "ECORUS" national creativity


1.Skirt "gode" and coat 2.Straight line skirt and kazakin 3. Coat
4.Skirt and kazakin 5.Suit 6.Skirt "gode" and waistcoat
7. Peasant woman's dress (flax)
The Year linen collection of the workshop "Dushegreya" will is presented later. On photo author's work "gown-peasant woman's dress" (the decorating by birch bark (оберQг) and гематитами (clean the blood).

Our жаккардовая wool fabrics, worked out on unique looms end XIX age with жаккардовой by machine of manual management, allowing create complex vegetable and geometric ornaments крупноузорчатого entanglements (before cocurrent and a thousands of the threads on base and duck). The Particularities of the work on like tool do fabrics worked out practically manually.
The Base to our collections forms the fabrics cloth with large detailed ornament of the vegetable origin, rising to праславянскому to scene Vselennoy. From this fabrics we шьем cloth in russian stiletto, founded on traditional line roof (the man's blouses, душегреи) and on cultural sample (казакины, frock coats, камзолы and others.) Reserved geometric ornament background fabric allows to create the cloth more natty, referring to eco-stiletto to town line to our collections.
We also шьем cloth for непраздных (pregnant), which will not name atheletic , but however she suitable and useful, t. to. шьется from льна and homespun itch and is checked by ancient experience traditionally многодетных russian family. The Novelty to collections - a cloth for feeding.
At colouration of the yarn we use the suit dye staffs traditional quality that does our fabrics else more historically reliable.


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