Animal God created for people. Be afraid and destroying them, person became
the slave. Write:
6 books V.MEGRE "Generic book"( the talk with 5yeas old son):
continue the talk about training, but say anything clever and significant,
I have at a venture got from rucksack one of brought by me books, she
turned out to be the textbook for fifth class "History of the Ancient
world", and has said the son: - Here is see, Volodya, this one of
the ensemble of the books, which are written by modern people. детям Is
told In this book about that, what the life on the Land arose, what the
person developed, society. Here much colour pictures and text printed
there is. History mankind is stated In this book. The Scientist - such
wise people, well умнее others, as it were, have described in this book
life primitive people on the Land. When you learn to read, that will be
able to hear from books much interesting.
- I can read, pope(pa).
- Yes As? You ma teaches to read?
- A Ma Anastasiya once upon a time on песочке has drawn me letters and
voice изобразила their name.
- And you that has immediately remembered all letters?
- Has Remembered. Their much little. I much sadly became, when has heard,
as their little.
I in the beginning have not added importances said about amount of the
letters. Wanted to listen, will be able my son really to read the printed
text. The having Revealled book on the first page, I have stretched him
her(it) and has offered:
- Here is, try read. ...
has taken раскрытую book, why-that left hand, a certain time silently
looked at printed text, afterwards began to read: "Drevneyshie people
of the vein in hot country, where was not a frost and cool irritate. The
Veins people not alone, but group, which scientist name the human herd.
All in herd, young and old alike, concerned with the collecting. The Integer
by days searched for the edible roots, дикорастущие fruits and berries,
egg of the birds".
Having Read this text, he has raised the head from book and became to
look me straight in eye somehow interrogative. I kept quiet, not understanding
question. Volodya has spoken several worried:
- In me, pope(pa), presentations does not occur.
- What presentations?
- No presentations occurs. Or it conked, or it can not present written
in this book. When ma Anastasiya or дедушки speak, all clear introduce.
When read His(its) book, else яснее all introduce. But from that, about
than is written in this book, presentation some исковерканное. Or it in
I conked.
- But why you to present? Why time to spend on presentations?
- So presentations themselves occur, when truth but presently does not
occur, signifies I presently, I shall try to check. Can, beside them,
beside people, about which in book is written, as they whole day searched
for itself food, peephole was not? Why they integer by days searched for
itself food if she always near by they were found?
Further with child became to occur something incomprehensible. He suddenly
зажмурился and became to feel one hand a herb around itself. Something
have found, has vented and has eaten. Has Afterwards got up on drumsticks,
not openning eye, pronounce: "Can, nose too was not". Has Jammed
the finger to nostrils and will go aside from me. Passing metre fifteen,
not releasing hands from nose, лег on herb and has published the sound,
look like "а-а".
And then and there all around as if came to motion. With tree downwards
to the land has jumped immediately several proteins. They jumped on herb,
растопырив paws and having fluffed tails, as if parachutes, came running
to resting upon herb child, something placed near by his(its) head, jumped
on herb to tree, mounted on them and newly парашютировали to the land.
Three wolfs, stood at a distance, have too come running to rested upon
herb child and become somehow be worrisome trampled near by him.
Ed the crunch of the branches, and from bush, hastily toddling, appeared
the young bear, afterwards second, somewhat less, but more smart.
The First bear обнюхал head child and has licked his(its) hand, as before
jammed nose. From bush continued to appear the miscellaneouses, greater
and small, taiga beast. All of these in the same way were worrisome trampled
around rested upon herb of the small person, absolutely pay no regard
friend to friend. They obviously did not understand that comes of him.
I too first could not understand the strange actions of the son. Afterwards
guessed. He expressed the helpless person, deprived visions and smells.
Pronounced now and then sound "а-а" reported surrounding that
he wants there is.
The Squirrels as before came running and run away, is sewn on and packing
near by rest upon herb child cedar big shots, dry mushrooms, else something.
One squirrel has got up on back paws, держа in front cedar big shot, and
quickly begin зубками to get the nuts from it. One more squirrel bit the
nuts and packed in small circle cleaned from shell kernel.
But person did not take the food. He as before lay with closed eye, jammed
by hand by nose, all требовательнее published the sound "а-а".
From bush rapidly выбежал sable. The Beautiful feathery зверQк with transfusing
fur. He has done two circles around resting upon herb child. He run, pay
no regard to сбежавшихся beasts. And beast, whose attention was is completely
absorbed only by unusual behaviour child, as if did not notice sable.
But when he suddenly sharply stopped beside small circles cleaned squirrel
cedar орешков and became there is them, beast has reacted on this. The
First were bared and вздыбили wool wolfs. The Bear, shifting from foot
to foot on place with paws on paw, first замер, having been crowded on
eater, has afterwards sloshed his(its) paw on side. The Sable has flown
away aside, turned, but then and there вскочил, smart has come running
to lain child, has got up the front paw to him on bosom. As soon as tot
tried to pronounce its next demanding "а-а", sable has then
and there drawn near the мордочку to open рту person and has obviously
put in it chewed food.
Finally Volodya sowed;sown on herb, has opened the eye and has unclenched
the nose. He has dribbled the glance all else agitated beasts, has got
up on drumsticks and began their becalm.
The Beast, on some known only him hierarchies, by turns approached to
tot. Each got its remuneration. The Wolfs - похлопывание on withers, one
медведя Volodya has scutched two hands on mug, the second why-that hand
loss on nose. Sable, вертящегося beside his(its) legs, has mildly pressed
the leg to the land, but when that turned on back, has scratched him bosom.
Each зверек got its award, then and there tactfully deleted.
Volodya has taken with herbs горсть cleaned cedar nut and has done the
squirrel some sign, on the whole visibility meant that time to stop their
own givings. Though child and becalmed the beasts, before this they continued
to feed him(it), but here have immediately stopped.
My small son подошQл to me, has stretched горсть nut and has said:
- In presentation, which in I occur, pope(pa), the first people, commenced
to live on the Land, not it is necessary was an integer by days to concern
with the collecting and search for itself food. They about meal in general
did not think. You excuse me, pope(pa), my presentation, it not such,
what have written the clever scientist in book, which you will bring.