GOOD STUFF FOR the FENCE - the LARCH. One of the best аллейных and park trees in an average strip and northern areas name a larch. Its stability to storms and strong frosts, longevity, exclusive skill to resist to atmospheric pollution, including exhaust gases from automobiles, ability to survive there where wither and do not blossom lindens, and at a pine the needles turns yellow and layers the bark falls off, make by its tree, to which all at all which everywhere prospers. Besides in first thirty years it grows as quickly, as well as a birch. The only thing, that to it is vital - more light, open space, and still it does not take out a drought on the first years of growth. Near Saint Petersburg the grove from larches, planted out " wood knowing" Fokel till now was kept during reign of empress Anna Ioannovny. It refers to Lindylovskaia a grove, or Listvianka. In Moscow avenue from larches - long-livers, the truth, more youngly S-Petersburg, conducts from main case Timirjazevskoj of academy up to railway station Petrovsko - Razymovskaia... Till now it is strong high trees, which not under force to any winds. The crone at a larch rather thin, in the form of a correct pyramid, is formed by a tree. From a larch - as from an easy veil, a site it does not shade a shadow, and the wind detains well - it is as though confused in trunks and branches of a tree. Any of coniferous trees is not accepted so easily as a larch, - even at 20. 30-years age it without serious consequences transfers change to other place. The larch to leaf fall coniferous concerns, but gets on with them poorly. Needles - leaflets loses an autumn, and on spring dismisses new, and the smell from them proceeds as from bark a lemon - pleasant, balsam. A gain at it on the first 20 years about meter per one year. It lives long - long: up to 300.. .. 400 years, and under favorable conditions, and till 900 years. And on growth it not a small tree: the Siberian version of a larch reaches height of 35. 45 m. Of storms and frosts of a larch are not afraid, therefore even at strong winds prevailing in the given district grow straight-stemmed. Not bad larches get accustomed on crude places (better, than on dry), prefer clay and loam to sand and at all do not bear fertilized with manure, the easy, fertile grounds, decaying on them is direct on eyes. Besides the larch does not suffer from local fires if on spring burn a last year's dry grass while the fur-tree and a pine such "experiments" with self do not maintain and dry out. Under a larch always only - the wind does not break off its branches as at a birch, and the grass grows under it not a valiant thistle, and rather thin bristle. Among these pure trees pleasantly smelling as balm arrange a sandbox for children, the best place for this purpose hardly will be. Plant a larch or seeds, or landing seedlings. Receive seeds from cones which collect during all winter right after the first frosts. Seeds of a larch are similar on pine, but more light and differ small germination (up to 20 %). Shoots are disjointed, sometimes seeds of a larch sprout only for the second year and to prevent their such behaviour, seeds holding in water within two weeks in pure water. Then prepare pots, fill their mix from sand and the sawdust taken fifty-fifty. Sand creates a good drainage, and sawdust reliably hold a moisture and provide access of air to roots, and on a surface of such mix is not formed корка which would interfere with shoots. Wetted seeds sow in pots and it is a little to fall asleep the ground a layer of the ground thickness approximately on two fingers. In 10. 12 days sprout the first shoots then rearrange pots in the place most illuminated on a window sill, are closer to light. By the end of April when on a birch will begin набухать kidneys, safely bear pots with rostocks on street. It is a little to fall asleep the ground them on top circle a pot in the ground, do not overlook to water, cover from night frosts, give a shadow from the scorching sun in middle of day. A place for pots with shoots choose not the most solar, and if it nevertheless on sun, give a shadow sprout fur-tree paws. By the end of August at you will be generated quite ready to change in the ground seedlings. Ground under bed - school on which they then will grow two next summers, choose friable, мульчируемую sawdust, but not fertilized. Distance between seedlings about 20 see. Larches since the second year of life demand full light, therefore choose for their school a light place and look after weeds that it has not muffled young landings. For the fourth spring or a third autumn seedling transfer to the constant place allocated for their long life, the ground lime, distance between trees maintain within the limits of 4. 5 m. Certainly, to wait, while вырастут trees, oh as long. But to speed up this process probably, if to get seedlings in nursery or to transfer from a wood. To dig out seedlings it is better not a simple shovel, and bent, almost "cylindrical". But you became the owner саженцев how them to plant? Time for landing - or an early autumn when the larch has lost хвоинки, or early spring while it has not dismissed a kidney. First we dig holes under everyone саженец on depth approximately 75 see. On a bottom of a landing hole we fall asleep a layer the most enriched гумусом from a surface of the ground, on it we put ,seedling we straighten on all circle of a hole roots and we fall asleep a layer of beforehand prepared ground of 15. 20 sm. On two buckets of clay ground add 1 kg to exhaust "пушонки" or a dolomitic flour, liter to bank of wood ashes, a bucket of sawdust - these components it is well mixed. With the stayed ground it is filled up to edges a hole, we press down ground that there were no emptiness between roots, and it is filled in by water so that the ground near seedling has got a consistence of rich sour cream. This reception refers to заливанием roots. From above we put the removed turf. Шейка replaced деревца should not be заглублена, correctly try to plant it level with the ground or slightly повыше. Under деревцем put a pair of the big cobble-stones for giving stability against winds, under stones the moisture and additional heat also is better kept. More than any навозов, other expensive and scarce подкормок. Only watch a condition of ground - it should not be absolutely dry. Everything else depends on vital energy young деревца and light. To diversify лиственничные landings it is possible жимолостью edible, a guelder-rose, 1 meter landed on distance from a trunk. They well get on among themselves because love equally damp ground, very much нарядно are looked, allure birds. Only the guelder-rose has unpleasant feature - sheit lets offsprings, and it is necessary to watch, that it grew on place strictly allocated to it, not hammering neighbours. If you should choose between European, Tyrolean, даурской or the Siberian larches, not deliberating, choose Siberian - at it more harmonous trunk, it hardy, and it is simple the most beautiful. In summary there is some information on business qualities of a larch. In Siberia of boards of this "eternal" tree make beds - in them bugs are not got. And still from лиственничного шпона make flanks and store in them kvass to which the easy citric smell лиственничной pitches is transferred. Front qualities of wood of a larch are higher, than at a pine, especial in "crude" conditions. The longer there is a larch under water, the the big durability is got with its wood. In the log of this tree which is taking place of many(a lot of,much) years under water, it is impossible to hammer a nail, and at a saw at processing a larch break off зубья. The wood sawn on boards is not jarred on, does not burst and for these excellent qualities is appreciated in joiner's and плотничьем business. In Saint Petersburg in the Winter palace all window frames and bindings are made of a larch. The main advantage of wood of a larch - the extraordinary durability not making a concession in durability to an oak and surpassing all other tree species. The wood of a larch impregnated with pitch is not exposed to an attack древоточцев. Wishing
to dissolve a protective strip from northern winds should take into account,
that coniferous trees should not be mixed with deciduous as they harm
each other. If you put some kinds of coniferous trees take into account,
that: And
still it would be desirable to add to the aforesaid: do not put(plant)
near to your site with огородными plants a birch and a bird cherry. Vital
force of roots of these trees is so strong, that they exhaust all juices
of the ground on which grow. There, where on border of a site the birch
grows, will not wait a good harvest of wild strawberry, will not try всласть
juicy cherries, and the currant will be constantly infected антракнозом.
The bird cherry beautifully blossoms in May... The beginning of June of
all any week, and then all summer on it(her) гнездятся plant louses, offsprings
from roots grow in huge quantity(amount). And a shadow from a birch with
a bird cherry very rich. In a strong wind birch thin веточки easily break
off, and under In the conclusion it is a little about gathering birch juice: to collect it(him) it is necessary in the early spring before swelling and disclosing of kidneys. Before to do(make) a cut, ask for a tree of a pardon. The cut should be not deep as "tick", it is necessary to insert into him(it) уголок from food жести, and under it(him) to adhere to a tree three-liter to bank. More than three litres from one tree are better for not collecting - it is possible to ruin a tree. Aspen - against медведки I want to share me the tested and checked up experience of struggle against this wrecker. It is necessary to prepare колья from an aspen in diameter of 2-4 sm, in the length 25-30 sm and to hammer in them in the ground on all height кола in places of moving медведки. To hammer any way through 1-2 meters from each other. Колья prepare from веток tumbled down by a wind in a wood of aspens, a fine aspen forest. It is possible to cut them from напиленных чурбаков, but it is necessary with a bark. Медведки on a site will not be. It is the ancient checked up way. Write: |
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