Herbs. In
Russia long since it is accepted to raise in gardens and on kitchen gardens
herbs. They can carry out a double role and serve not only medicinal raw
material, but also means Аир marsh - лек. As raw material rhizomes without fine roots serve. Collect their autumn at significant сходе waters. Raw material разрезают on pieces, wash and quickly dry. Store(keep) in bags and in glass container 1 year. Алтей medicinal grows on damp meadows, on coast of reservoirs and the rivers, in thrickets of a bush or it is cultivated. In the early spring or an autumn prepare roots of a plant. Medical products from him(it) render anti-inflammatory and отхаркивающее action. Арония черноплодная (черноплодная the mountain ash) contains organic acids (including apple), vitamins P, C etc. Juice from fresh berries is useful at gastritises, at the lowered acidity of a stomach and arterial гипертензии (the raised(increased) pressure). Labrador tea marsh - лек. As raw material serve облиственные runaways of the current year in length up to 10 see. Collect them during flowering. Dry in a shadow, displaying a thin layer and regularly overturning, or in a dryer at temperature 40 hailstones is not higher. With. Store(keep) in double bags in a dry cool place 2 years. Бадан толстолистный - лек. As raw material leaves and rhizomes serve. Leaves collect in the aestivo-autumnal period. Dry a usual way. Rhizomes prepare an autumn or early in the spring, clear of the ground and fine корешков, I wash out, cut on long pieces, подвяливают and досушивают in a dryer. Store(keep) raw material in bags or other closed container 4 years. Immortele - лек. As raw material serve цветки. Корзинки gather right at the beginning of flowering when they were not absolutely dismissed yet. At late gathering цветки are easily showered, and the raw material loses biological activity. Break them with stalks in length no more than 1 see. At gathering it is impossible to pull out plants with roots. Цветки put(fold) рыхло and not later than in 3-4 hours after gathering dry in well aired premise(room), displaying a layer of 2-3 sm on a paper or fabrics, at drying without ventilation (the attic, a dryer) flower корзинки break up. Store(keep) raw material in the closed container in a dark, cool, well aired premise(room) 3 years. Birch повислая - лек. As raw material kidneys, leaves and juice serve. Kidneys collect early in the spring during their swelling, but it is necessary before blooming leaves. For this purpose it is possible to use ветки birches from winter cabin of trees. The cut down branches stick in snow, and in the spring when kidneys will bulk up, them collect.
The cowberry grows in a wood zone, in coniferous woods and in tundra. Лек. As raw material leaves and berries serve. Leaves collect prior to the beginning of flowering plants or in the early spring, berries - an autumn. Leaves dry on open air, in a dryer or in the furnace at temperature 45-50 hailstones. With. Berries are better for wetting. Store(keep) them the year round. Broths of a cowberry apply as diuretic means, and berries - at a gout. Swede. With the medical purpose use juice from root crops, but sometimes use also a ground part - a tops of vegetable. The swede is rich vitamin C. Her(it) apply also as кашицы at badly healing wounds and ulcers, use inside at locks. Juice of a swede use as отхаркивающее and diuretic means. Seeds, растертые in water, appoint to children at reproach, and also for rinsing a throat at ангинах. For reception кашицы it is enough to grate a root crop and to put to ill sites. For reception of juice the cleared and washed up root crops with an external environment pawn in a juice extractor. For taste to it(him) it is possible to add 1/4 crimson or cranberry juices. With the medical purpose drink on a half-glass three times per day before meal. To prepare for juice it is necessary directly ahead of the use. To receive эмульсию from seeds, it is necessary to pound a dining room a spoon of seeds in a mortar, gradually adding boiled water of room temperature. To children appoint on a teaspoon four times per day, and for rinsing a throat dilute twice with hot water and apply 3-4 times per day. Валериана medicinal grows on marges of woods, in river valleys, in thrickets of a bush etc. This plant is cultivated and widely cultivated. Лек. As raw material biannual rhizomes with roots serve. Dig out their sharp shovel or a mattock in August - September when fruits have already flown, but stalks with щитками were still kept, as without щитков it is difficult to find and learn(and find out) a plant. Rhizomes and shake off roots from the ground, wash out in baskets and display a layer of 15 sm for 2-3 days. Then a layer reduce up to 2-3 see. Dry in a shadow at temperature not above 35 hailstones. With. To overdry roots does not follow, as they are strongly crumbled. Slow drying enables to receive more fragrant and active лек. Raw material. To dry валериану follows in the places inaccessible to cats which грызут and take away her(it). A period of storage 3 years. Preparations валерианы have calming an effect (dozes are individual). Горец snake grows on crude meadows, grassy bogs and among bushes. In second half of summer(years) after отцветания plants or prepare his(its) rhizomes in the early spring. Broth or a liquid extract use at sharp and chronic diseases of intestines. Горец peppery (water pepper) grows on coast of reservoirs, on bogs and crude meadows. An elevated part of a plant prepare during flowering. Preparations of water pepper condense walls of capillaries and reduce their fragility. Adonis spring - the photophilous plant growing in черноземных steppes, on marges and glades of deciduous woods. Prepare a ground part of a plant from the beginning of flowering up to full осыпания fruits. His(its) preparations stimulate intimate activity, has calming an effect. Contains substances strong that is why it is applied under the control of the doctor. Peas. Equation of biologically active nutritious and vitamin components put forward peas in a number(line) of especially valuable dietary products at почечных and hepatic diseases, and elevated parts of a plant as настоя help as diuretic means. There are data on efficiency настоя at почечнокаменной illnesses (promotes crushing and deducing(removing) of stones). The diuretic effect is caused by the raised(increased) maintenance(contents) калия in green parts of peas. At purulent diseases of a leather(skin) (for example, furuncules) poultices from a pea flour(torment) promote maturing and a softening of the inflamed sites. To prepare for medical pea mashed potatoes the unripe or ripened peas cook in water up to растрескивания a peel, and then crush a pestle. Почечным the patient salt at the use of it mashed potatoes to add not рекомедуется. Mashed potatoes use two times per one week. For reception настоя the elevated part needs to cut off her(it) before flowering to crush and fill with boiling water (2 dining rooms of a spoon of a grass on 1-1,5 glasses). Having insisted 30 minutes, a liquid filter and use on two dining rooms of a spoon before meal. For preparation of a pea flour(torment) dry peas толкут in a mortar (it is possible to take advantage of a coffee grinder) and before the use make equal quantity(amount) of abrupt boiled water, mixing. In a hot kind, slightly having cooled, a poultice put on a sore point. Девясил high grows in damp places on coast of the rivers and mountain ручьев, on высокотравных meadows, wood glades, in thrickets of a bush. Лек. As raw material roots and rhizomes serve. At preparation of them dig out, shake off from the ground, обрезают an elevated part and thin корешки, wash out in cold water, разрезают on pieces in length of 10-20 sm and on some parts lengthways. Turned black, отмершие and the roots damaged(injured) by wreckers reject. провяливают 2-3 days on open air also dry raw material in a heat, well aired premise(room) or a dryer at temperature 40 hailstones is not higher. N., displaying a layer no more than 5 see. Store(keep) in bags, wooden or glass container 3 years. Preparations девясила have отхаркивающим and anti-inflammatory action. Диоскорея (кавказкая and ниппонская) grows on wood glades and in thrickets of a bush. Prepare rhizomes and roots. Preparations of a plant use at some cardiovascular diseases. Oak - лек. As raw material the bark serves. Gathering of a bark is resolved(allowed) only on the sites planned for cutting down. Its(her) preparation conduct in time сокодвижения. The bark should not contain impurity of wood and a pith layer. For convenience of preparation on thin trunks and young trees do(make) ring cuts(sections) on distance of 30 sm from each other and connect their longitudinal section. In a junction of ring and longitudinal cuts(sections) edge(territory) of a bark lift a knife and remove all надрезанный a site. Dry under a canopy or in well aired premise(room). The ready raw material represents a strip of a bark in length of 25-30 sm, thickness of 2-6 mm, which surface slightly wrinkled, gray-brown. Store(keep) in wooden container or мешочках till 5 years.
Ginseng the rare plant meeting in limited territory of Primorski Krai in shady cedar woods. Despite of it it is cultivated. The root of a plant having tonic action is prepared. Жостер laxative grows on open places, in thrickets of a bush, on mountain gorges, forming thrickets. Prepare (dry) fruits of a plant. Their broth is applied as laxative means. Зверобой продырявленный (ordinary) grows on meadows, hills, in valleys of the rivers, on wood glades and marges. Лек. As raw material the grass serves. Collect her(it) during flowering. Срезают only the top part of a plant in length 15-20 see. The grass has a balsam smell and bitterish taste. Dry her(it) on an attic, under a canopy or in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With. Repeatedly collect in 30-40 days. Store(keep) in bags, glass or wooden container 2 years. Broths and спиртовые настои зверобоя appoint as antimicrobic, knitting and anti-inflammatory means. Wild strawberry wood - лек. As raw material mature fruits and leaves serve. Berries prepare early in the morning when dew will leave, or at the end of day without cups and fruit steams as they collected during dew quickly spoil, and in heat fade. Before drying wild strawberry sort, deleting мятые and overripe berries, fruit steams both чашелистики, and подвяливают within day on air or 4-5 ч in a dryer at temperature 25-30 hailstones. With. Dry at temperature 45-65 hailstones. N., watching(keeping up) that fruits have not grown mouldy. Well dried up berries should be scattered. Leaves collect during flowering a plant with черешком no more than 1 see. Dry at once on open air in a shadow or in well aired premise(room), рассыпая a thin layer and periodically mixing. Leaves store(keep) in мешочках no more than 1 year, a berry - 2 years. Gold root (родиола pink) - лек. As raw material the roots having more of two stalks serve. Prepare them from the end of July up to middle of September. Repeated gathering of raw material on the same place is authorized in 10-15 years. Rhizomes clear of the ground, delete the brown fuse, decayed parts and display in a shadow for провяливания. Then them разрезают on pieces on 10 sm also dry in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in мешочках or in the closed wooden container 3 years. Золототысячник umbellate grows in water meadows, on coast of the rivers and lakes. An elevated part prepare in the beginning of flowering. Preparations золототысячника apply at some digestive frustration. Ivan - tea (кипрей узколистный) - лек. As raw material leaves and цветки serve. Raw material collect in July - September. Рассыпают in a shadow a layer no more than 5 sm, подвяливают 1 day, braid palms, juice yet will not act, then display on противень, cover a wet fabric, maintain 6-10 hours at temperature 25 hailstones. N. also dry 40 minutes in the furnace or an oven at temperature 100 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in well closed wooden or glass container 2 years. Calendula - лек. As raw material inflorescences serve. Collect them all summer in process of disclosing not less than half язычковых цветков at not double grades. The break between gathering корзинок can be 2-5 days. Dry at once on an attic or under a canopy, displaying a thin layer and frequently overturning. In a dryer the temperature should not exceed 40-45 hailstones. With. Drying finish, when корзинки break up by easy pressing fingers. Store(keep) in tin container 1 year. The guelder-rose ordinary grows on coast of reservoirs, on marges of woods, in thrickets of a bush. Well gets accustomed in gardens. Лек. As raw material serve a bark, цветки and berries. A bark prepare in the early spring, in the period сокодвижения, from the cut down bushes, crush on pieces and dry on open air or on an attic. The dry bark breaks, недосушенная - oppression. Цветки dry in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With. Fruits collect mature in September - October, it is good подвяливают on air and dry in the furnace or an oven up to a firm condition. A bark 4 years, цветки - store(keep) 2 years. Preparations from a bark of a guelder-rose render кровоостанавливающее action. Fruits contain a lot of vitamin C. Are applied at a stomach ulcer and as diuretic means. Are part of vitamin gathering. Cabbage. Among капуст the most valuable by way of medical properties белокочанная. At the same time, in all versions of cabbage it is a lot of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). In it(her) the substances preventing adiposity, having противосклеротическим are found out by action. Besides the cabbage contains sugar and albumens, and also vitamin U, curative at a ulcer and an ill liver. The medical effect of cabbage depends on terms and conditions of its(her) storage. The best drink of health considers fresh cabbage juice, however it(he) can be received only in the summer and an autumn. Juice of a sauerkraut is less active, but it is considered, that it(he) also has reliable medical effect. At a stomach ulcer cabbage juice drink for 40-50 minutes before meal. Course of treatment lasts month. Juice fresh and a sauerkraut apply also at gastritises with the lowered acidity, cholecystitises and ulcer колитах. For preventive maintenance of an atherosclerosis juice drink on an empty stomach on a glass per day. In the same dozes (it is possible with addition of sugar) it(him) use as отхаркивающее means at diseases easy. Кашицу from leaves of the cabbage, mixed with an egg yolk, put for healing wounds. At a headache leaves белокочанной cabbage put to sore points. For fresh cabbage juice prepare directly ahead of the use. The potato contains irreplaceable amino acids and valuable vitamins. In 100 г fresh autumn клубней contains 20 mg of an ascorbic acid, however at storage approximately since January the potato loses half of this vitamin, and by April of it(him) remains only 1/4 initial quantities(amounts). To volume at wrong preparation of dishes from a potato it is possible to lose all ascorbic acid at once. To keep her(it), it is necessary to clean a potato a knife from stainless steel to crush a cooked potato a wooden pestle, and at cooking to lower(omit) cleared клубни in boiling, instead of in cold water. Repeated heating results in loss of vitamins. In a potato there are also more valuable vitamins of group B and PP. In клубнях it is a lot of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and it is especial калия. Starch is split in a gastroenteric path on simple sugar, that even more increases nutritious properties of a potato. As to medicinal properties of a potato special value is represented with this product at a stomach ulcer of a stomach and a duodenal gut, a gastritis with the raised(increased) acidity, locks, a heartburn. In such cases it is recommended to accept fresh juice of a potato (from pink клубней) - from 50 up to 150 г 2 times up to meal. It is informed, that potato juice well helps for preventive maintenance of an aggravation of a stomach ulcer of a stomach. For this purpose it(he) is accepted with two times per day on 1/4 glasses before meal. It is considered, that fresh juice of a potato helps and at headaches. There are data, that the quite good result is observed at purpose(assignment) of a cooked potato by the patient with cardiovascular diseases, including at hypertonic illness. This effect speaks presence of salts калия which promote deducing(removing) from an organism of a superfluous liquid. Fresh slices of a potato put to sore points at экземе, and inhalation паров just the welded(cooked) potato helps at Qatar the top respiratory ways. To receive fresh potato juice, клубни wash with a brush, clear of a peel, cut a knife and load into a juice extractor. Juice use immediately. An ill diabetes a potato to use follows cautiously as starch passes in sugar. Кассия остролистная (сенна) - a cultivated plant at which prepare leaves and flowers. Preparations кассии have laxative action. Nettle - лек. As raw material leaves serve. Collect them during flowering. Dry under a canopy or on an attic with good ventilation, spreading a layer no more than 3-4 see. On the sun raw material to dry does not follow, as it becomes colourless, and vitamins collapse. Store(keep) in a dry well aired premise(room) 2 years. Кровохлебка medicinal grows on water meadows, in steppes, on wood glades. Prepare rhizomes and roots. Preparations кровохлебки render knitting, anti-inflammatory and кровоостанавливающее action. Крушина ольховидная grows in woods, in valleys of the rivers and in ravines. In the spring and in the beginning of a summer(years) prepare a bark крушины. Broth apply as laxative means. Fresh and just the dried up bark makes sick nausea, vomitting and a diarrhea. Corn - лек. As raw material corn columns with рыльцами serve. Collect them in a phase of ieiчii-wax ripeness of ears or at clearing. Dry in a shadow or a dryer at temperature 25-30 hailstones. With, displaying a thin layer on a paper or a gauze. Store(keep) in матерчатых мешочках 1 year. At longer period of storage the raw material loses the medical properties. Лапчатка upright (wild калган) grows on wood marges, glades, in woods and on pastures. An autumn or prepare rhizomes in the spring. It is applied as broth as knitting and bactericidal means at gastroenteric diseases, to rinsings and lotions. Левзея сафлоровидная grows in mountains on subalpine and Alpine meadows. Лек. As raw material rhizomes of 1-st year of life serve. Dig out their shovel on depth of 30 sm, quickly shake off, wash out in cold water, release(exempt) from impurity and dry at temperature 35-40 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in wooden container in a dry place 3 years. Preparations левзеи render tonic and stimulating action. Лимонник Chinese in a wild kind meets on the Far East in the mixed woods, on coast of the rivers and ручьев, to slopes of hills. Last years has was extended as garden culture. Fruits collect in process of maturing. Use in a fresh and dry kind. Preparations лимонника are applied as tonic and stimulating means. The linden heart-shaped (мелколистная) grows everywhere. Лек. As raw material serve цветки with прицветными leaves. Collect them in a phase of flowering. In later terms the raw material loses medical properties. At good weather gathering lasts 10 days, at cool - 15. To not spoil trees, it is necessary to use a ladder and сучкорезом. Small ветки with plentiful цветками it is possible to cut off a secateurs. Raw material dry right after gathering under a canopy, in an aired premise(room), on an attic or in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With, spreading a layer 3-5 see. Readiness define(determine) on fragility цветоносов. On the sun a linden to dry it is impossible. A smell of ready raw material fragrant, taste sweetish, slightly knitting. Store(keep) it(him) in wooden container 2 years. Apply as a hot drink (tea) as потогонное means at overcooling and to rinsing a mouth and a throat as bactericidal means. Лох узколистный - лек. As raw material leaves, flowers and fruits serve. Leaves collect in first half of summer(years), flowers - during flowering. Leaves dry under a canopy or in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With, flowers no more than 40 hailstones. With, fruits a usual way. Любисток - лек. As raw material roots, a grass and fruits serve. Roots prepare an autumn, wash out in cold water, разрезают on pieces, подвяливают in a shadow and dry in the furnace and an oven at temperature 25-30 hailstones. With. Leaves together with черешками and цветоносными runaways dry on open air in a shadow or in well aired premise(room). Rhizomes and fruits store(keep) in the closed wooden or glass container 2 years, leaves - 1 year. Malines - лек. As raw material fruits, leaves, sometimes roots serve. Fruits collect in process of maturing in dry weather when they are easily removed from a receptacle, is easy подвяливают and dry on the sun, рассыпая a thin layer, or in the furnace at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With. Ready raw material touch, deleting turned black. Leaves dry under a canopy, on an attic or in a dryer. Roots clear of the ground, wash out cold water and dry the same as also berries. Store(keep) in мешочках or wooden container 2 years. Mother - и-мачеха ordinary meets everywhere in wood and forest-steppe zones. Лек. As raw material inflorescences and leaves serve. Leaves collect in June - July when they are rather insignificant and from the top party(side) naked. It is not necessary to take absolutely young leaves, опушённые from both parties(sides) and with brown пятнами. Raw material рыхло укладыват in baskets and quickly dry, displaying a thin layer, on an attic or open air, frequently overturning that both parties(sides) dried up in regular intervals. Leaves dry on a cord, леске or a dense thread. After drying touch, deleting побуревшие and mouldy. Flowers with stalks dry in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in a dry premise(room) in the closed container 3 years. Is part of chest gathering. Balm - лек. As raw material leaves serve. Collect them before flowering. After everyone срезки leaves of a plant feed up. Raw material dry in a shadow or a dryer at temperature 35 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in glass or wooden container 2 years. Carrots. Usual carrots also is considered curative. In medieval Italy her(it) did not use in food, and used only as a medicine. Now this vegetable is appreciated in national medicine of many countries. That for winter carrots has not lost valuable properties, her(it) store(keep) in boxes, засыпанных dry sand. Root crops of carrots contain sugar, fibers, каротины, vitamins of group B. Carrots - tested polyvitaminic and общеукрепляющее the means recommended at diseases of cardiovascular system, illnesses of a gastroenteric path, and also at frustration of sight. Use both fresh, and tinned carrots juice. On a glass per day on an empty stomach it(he) can be used as laxative. It(he) is applied as well as diuretic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal means at illnesses of kidneys, Qatar top respiratory ways, infringements of a salt exchange, bilious - stone illness. Carrots juice rinse a throat at ангинах and stomatitises. At laryngitises and bronchites accept fresh carrots juice half-and-half with honey on a dining room to a spoon 4-5 once a day. In other cases of it(him) use on 0,5-1 glass. Juice store(keep) on air no more получаса. It is possible to prepare for it(him) with the help of a juice extractor. To use better at once. Juice can be diluted for taste any juice from berries. From seeds of carrots the preparation даукартин, used is made at chronic coronary insufficiency. Broth of seeds apply as глистогонное means and to deducing(removing) stones from a bilious bubble. For reception of broth a dining room a spoon of seeds fill in a glass of water and soar not less than three minutes in an oven. It(he) is accepted with hot 3 times per day on 1 glass. Mint peppery - the cultural plant deduced(removed) from several wild kinds. Лек. As raw material the elevated part serves. Tops collect in the period бутонизации. Dry in a shadow, under a canopy or on an attic. Store(keep) in the closed glass or wooden container 2 years. From mint receive radio oil and menthol. Renders calming and local soothing action. Menthol is part some validol and drops Зеленина. Insist also tinctures from leaves of mint apply as well as means against a nausea and to improvement of digestion. The sea-buckthorn berries крушиновидная grow on coast of reservoirs and on boggy meadows. It is cultivated in gardens and on personal plots. Лек. As raw material fruits, leaves and seeds serve. Prepare in their winter when they lose bitterness and tartness. Fresh berries collect ошмыгиванием, frozen shake off at temperature not below a minus 10 hailstones. With. In solar weather fruits do not collect, as at thawing the environment is separated from pulp. Store(keep) in a cold place. Fruits have кисло-sweet taste. Received from fruits облепиховое oil use for treatment of wounds and burns. Fresh berries, juice also insist berries use at гиповитаминозах. Cucumbers. The greatest medical effect cucumber juice has. It is considered, that it(he) helps at diseases of joints, at a gout as promotes deducing(removing) from an organism of a uric acid. There is an opinion, that cucumber juice helps also at a bad condition of a teeth and десен, and the use just broken with грядки cucumbers (up to 0,5 kg per day) promotes, ostensibly, to growth of hair. Fresh cucumber juice has strong antimicrobic action and is applied to treatment нагноившихся wounds and ulcers. It(he) helps also at водянке and hypostases of an intimate origin, is used as sedative at intestinal коликах and a jaundice. Cucumber juice or a water solution of a peel apply as means from угрей, freckles, пигментированный spots, and also against sunburn. For preservation румянца on cheeks, white color and freshness of a leather(skin) once a week recommend to impose a mask from cucumbers with растертым an apple. For cucumber juice prepare directly ahead of the use as it(he) quickly spoils. For reception настоя a peel 50 г a peel of fresh cucumbers fill in a glass of water of room temperature and maintain 6 hours. The dandelion medicinal is known for all .Лек. As raw material roots and an elevated part of a plant serve. Roots I dig out an autumn or in the early spring up to отрастания leaves, shake off from the ground, обрезают an elevated part and lateral roots, wash in cold water, разрезают and подвяливают some days. Dry in well aired premise(room) or in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With. Outside they should be be brightly or ?iii-brown, without a smell, on taste bitter. The roots intended for intake, pass(miss) through a meat grinder, stack on противень a layer of 3-5 sm and dry, constantly stirring slowly a wooden stick that were not formed комья. In raw material impurity are not supposed. A period of storage - 5 years. In medicine his(its) roots and even flower buds which can be pickled are used. Bees collect pollen from this spring plant. On his(its) yellow colors tens insects are fed. It is possible to prepare nectar of a dandelion. For this purpose collect the dismissed inflorescences in the morning, choosing the largest and magnificent, at once stack a layer in bank and fall asleep a layer of sugar. Having filled in bank such layers, its(her) contents stamp a stick. For humidifying a mix it is possible to add a little water. The flower weight is condensed, from it(her) air is squeezed out, juices are allocated. In result the extract of brownish color turns out. She(it) is pleasant on taste - hardly tastes bitter and reminds жженый sugar. At the bottom banks the deposit is formed. It is pollen - also a valuable product, therefore to filter it(him) does not follow. Such preparation can be kept in a cool place about one year. Одуванчиковый the concentrate can be accepted on a teaspoon in the pure state or to add to drinks. It is considered, that it(he) appreciablly improves appetite, reduces fatigue, raises activity and ability to live. Apply as broth to excitation of appetite and as желчегонное means. As medicinal and vitamin means use also flowers of a dandelion, however experts count this hobby not justified. Alder grey - лек. As raw material the bark and leaves, sometimes roots serve соплодия (шишки). Соплодия from an alder sulfur, sticky or black collect an autumn and in the winter (till March), when they completely одревеснеют. Fallen raw material for the medicinal purposes is unsuitable. Dry on an attic, under a canopy or in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With, displaying a layer no more than 4-5 sm and some times overturning. Store(keep) in fabric мешочках or in wooden container 3 years Пастущья a bag - лек. As raw material the elevated part of a plant serves. A grass collect during flowering, in dry weather, срезая a secateurs an elevated part together with radical leaves. It is necessary to avoid preparation of plants with the mature (revealed) fruits. Raw material рыхло put(fold) in container and whenever possible quickly dry under a canopy or on an attic with good ventilation. Вхорошую weather can be dried on open air within 5-7 days. Store(keep) in a dry aired premise(room) in cardboard container 3 years.
Peony - лек. As raw material all plant serves. An elevated part срезают during flowering. Roots in part dig out at any time vegetations of a plant, shake off from the ground, separate an elevated part and wash. Dry on an attic or under a canopy. As soon as the raw material becomes fragile, it(him) досушиваю in a dryer at temperature 45-60 hailstones. With. On taste it sweetish - burning, slightly knitting, a smell original, strong. A period of storage - 3 years.
Sunflower - лек. As raw material leaves and mature семянки serve regional цветки. Цветки brightly - жёлтой colouring collect in the beginning of flowering, cautiously breaking off without damage корзинок. Dry at once in well aired dark premise(room). Green, healthy leaves prepare in the beginning of a summer(years). Dry in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in матерчатых bags 2 years. Полынь bitter grows in droughty places as a weed on roads. Лек. As raw material the grass serves. Prepare her(it) during flowering, срезая tops in length 20-25 see. Delay with terms of gathering conducts to decrease(reduction) of medicinal value полыни. That the raw material has not darkened, plants рыхло put(fold) in baskets and quickly dry on an attic or under a canopy, displaying a layer in 3-5 see. Dry stalks should break. At good weather полынь dries up for 5-7 days. Store(keep) raw material in dense мешочках or wooden container 2 years. Water insist also other preparations are applied as the means stimulating appetite and improving digestion. Пустырник пятилопастный grows on waste grounds, in ravines, along roads. It is cultivated. Лек. As raw material the grass serves. Collect her(it) when on a site blossoms not less than 2/3 цветоносов, срезая tops in length on 40 see. Dry under a canopy, on an attic or in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones With. Store(keep) raw material in wooden container 3 years. Preparations пустырника успокаивающе operate on the central nervous system, improve work of heart, lower a blood pressure and have somnolent an effect. Rhubard Tangut - a cultivated plant. An autumn prepare roots. Preparations of a rhubard in the big dozes have laxative action, in small - stimulate appetite. Stalks go on preparation of compotes and jam. The camomile chemist's grows on fields and is cultivated. Лек. As raw material serve flower корзинки. Collect them in the beginning of flowering while the receptacle has not got the conic form, and white язычковые цветки are located it is horizontal. Are dismissed цветки quickly, therefore collect them with an interval in 1-2 days. Seeds collect at withering язычковых цветков when корзинки will get конусовидную the form. Dry under a canopy, on an attic with good ventilation or in a dryer at temperature 45 hailstones is not higher. S.Nedosushennoe raw material loses colouring, буреет, spoils, overdried - is strongly crushed and loses medical properties. Store(keep) in матерчатых or paper мешочках in a dry premise(room) 1 year. Настои and broths from цветков camomiles appoint inside as потогонное and спазмолитическое means, наружно - for rinsing, клизм, as softening, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic means. The mountain ash ordinary grows on marges, in glades and in underbrushes. Her(it) frequently put(plant) about habitation. Fruits collect after frosts when fruits become more sweet and is more tasty, the bitterness decreases. Лек. As raw material fruits, sometimes leaves, kidneys and a bark serve. Fruits collect an autumn, after frosts. Before drying of them touch, tear off fruit steams and провяливают on air. Dry on the sun or in a dryer at temperature 60-70 hailstones. With, рассыпая a thin layer. After drying the turned black fruits and impurity delete. Store(keep) in wooden container 2 years. Contains vitamins A, C, P, sugar, a citric acid. Apply to preventive maintenance and treatment гиповитаминозов. Currant black - лек. As raw material fruits, leaves and kidneys serve. Fruits collect in dry weather in process of their maturing. At gathering it is necessary to avoid damage of a bark and breakage веток as it promotes penetration of activators of illnesses into a plant. Солодка - лек. As raw material roots and rhizomes serve. Dig out their autumn, in November, or in the early spring, using plants 3-4 years(summer) age. Roots shake off from the ground, wash out cold water, clear of a bark, разрезают on pieces in length of 30-35 sm and dry on the sun, in a premise(room) or in a dryer. Ready raw material fragile, inside yellow. Store(keep) in boxes or glass banks of 10 years. Pine ordinary - лек. As raw material kidneys, needles and живица serve. Kidneys prepare in the winter and in the early spring, prior to the beginning of their intensive growth, in places of cabin and прореживания sites of a wood. Срезают them with ветками in the length up to 3 mm. Dry on an attic with good ventilation and under a canopy. At good weather the raw material dries up for 10-15 days. Kidneys store(keep) 2 years in the wooden closed container. Kidneys are vitamin-rich C, K etc. From them in domestic conditions prepare for broth. From fresh needles are going insist. Broth also insist use at гиповитаминозах. Спорыш - лек. As raw material all elevated part of a plant serves. A grass collect in dry weather during flowering, срезая for length 40 see. It is not recommended to prepare спорыш is strong(strongly) polluted places and in places выпаса cattle. A grass separate from impurity and stack in bags. Dry in an aired premise(room), on an attic with good ventilation, on open air in a shadow or in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. N., overturning 2-3 times. The raw material is considered dry when stalks become fragile. Store(keep) in fabric or paper мешочках 3 years. Сушеница uliginose (marsh) grows in crude places, coast of the rivers, on drying up bogs, in crops and kitchen gardens as a weed. At preparation pull out with roots. Apply water insist grasses and other preparations. Water insist this grass and other preparations apply at arterial гипертензии and a stomach ulcer, and also наружно - at treatment of wounds and burns as an oil solution. Стахис at all does not contain some starch that is why it is considered an ideal dietary product for patients with a diabetes. It is informed, that it(him) клубеньки have инсулиноподобным effect. Besides стахис it is applied at illnesses of respiratory ways, gastroenteric diseases. It(he) normalizes a blood pressure, успокаивающе operates on nervous system. Bearberry ordinary. Лек. As raw material leaves serve. Collect them before flowering a plant or an autumn, after maturing fruits. When the bearberry will fade, rough growth of young runaways is observed. Leaves in this period contain a little арбутина - the basic working substance, at drying буреют, and the raw material becomes unsuitable for use. Кондиционные runaways and leaves dry on air, under a canopy or on an attic. Store(keep) in мешочках or in the closed wooden container in an aired premise(room) of 5 years. Use as water настоя either broth as diuretic or a disinfectant at inflammatory diseases мочевыводящих ways. The yarrow ordinary grows on glades, dry meadows and marges. Лек. As raw material serve a grass and цветки. A grass prepare during flowering, in dry weather, срезая tops of stalks in length no more than 15 see. Raw material put(fold) in baskets and quickly dry on air in a shadow or in well aired premise(room), displaying on a paper or a fabric a layer of 5-7 sm and periodically mixing. In good weather the grass dries up for 7-10 days. The yarrow can be dried and in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With. The termination(ending) of drying define(determine) on fragility of stalks. Sometimes collect only корзинки, breaking off them manually. Store(keep) in wooden or glass container 3 years. Preparations of a yarrow raise coagulability of blood, improve appetite and digestion, have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. Fennel - лек. As raw material stalks, leaves, inflorescences and fruits serve. The green weight intended for use in a fresh kind, collect in the morning, the ambassador схода dews. Day prior to gathering a plant plentifully water. Dry a grass in a shadow, рассыпая a thin layer, from time to time overturning. Fruits prepare in some stages in process of their maturing. First срезают the largest inflorescences with brown fruits. Raw material connect in снопики, dry, thresh and досушивают at temperature 30-40 hailstones. With. The grass is stored(kept) in матерчатых мешочках, with fruits - in glasswares with densely closed cover. The violet three-coloured (pansies, иван-да-марья) grows on meadows, in fields, on open hills, gets divorced in flower beds. Elevated parts gather in first half of summer(years). Apply as настоя as отхаркивающее and diuretic means. The horsetail field grows everywhere. Лек. As raw material green vegetative stalks serve. Collect them all summer in dry weather срезая at height of 10-15 sm from a surface of ground. Dry at once on an attic, under a canopy or in a dryer, displaying a layer no more than 10 see. Store(keep) in мешочках or wooden container 4 years. It is applied as diuretic means as настоя or a liquid extract. Hop - лек. As raw material roots and leaves serve шишки. Шишки collect in middle of August, in an initial stage of maturing, when they still chartreuse. Break off them with legs that at drying they were not scattered. Шишки with оттопыренными and strongly increased чешуями to gathering are not subject. Dry in a shadow, displaying a thin layer and frequently overturning. The raw material should not have impurity and parts struck with a mould. Store(keep) in мешочках in a dry place 3 years. Leaves prepare during flowering plants. Roots dig out an autumn. Dry a usual way. Store(keep) in a dry place in the closed container 2 years. Чабрец (the thyme creeping) grows on dry sandy hills, in sandy pine woods and steppes. This fragrant grass prepare during flowering. Broth from it(her) is used as отхаркивающее means, at gastroenteric diseases as an antiseptic preparation. Наружно use for lotions and baths. Чага - лек. As raw material serves only чага, growing on birches. To collect a mushroom it is possible the year round, but best time are autumn and spring months. Outgrowths chop off an axe or a sharp chopper and clean off a friable internal part. At gathering it is necessary to watch(keep up), that in raw material mushrooms - тутовики which differ from чаги that have a tubular layer on the bottom surface have not got. It is not necessary to collect raw material from dry and drying up trees, and also copies in length of 1-1,5 m and the old, crumbled mushrooms having black colouring on all thickness. Fresh outgrowths at once разрезают on pieces in the size of 3-6 sm also dry on an attic in an aired premise(room) or the furnace at temperature 60 hailstones. With, spreading a thin layer. At drying pieces чаги are condensed, become very firm and get ?iii-brown color. Store(keep) in densely closed glass container no more than 2 years. Turn three-separate (золотушная the grass) grows about(near) ручьев, on канавам and in bogs as the weed, and also is cultivated. Лек. As raw material the grass serves. Облиственные and lateral runaways in length up to 15 sm or separate leaves collect tops in the period бутонизации and quickly dry, displaying a thin layer on the sun, under a canopy or in a dryer at temperature 45-50 hailstones. With, frequently overturning. Readiness define(determine) on a degree of fragility. Store(keep) in мешочках or in wooden container 2 years. Apply inside as broths and tea as antiallergic and наружно as anti-inflammatory means. Bilberry - лек. As raw material fruits and leaves serve. Berries collect mature, sort, choose a moss, the damaged(injured) and decayed fruits, but do not wash, and подвяливают 2-3 hours at temperature 35-40 hailstones. With. Dry in a dryer at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With or on the sun, рассыпая a layer in 1-2 sm on a paper or a canvas. Leaves collect during flowering. Dry in a dryer, on an attic or under a canopy, spreading a layer of 2-3 sm and periodically overturning. Fruits and leaves store(keep) in a dry place in wooden container 2 years.
Sage medicinal - a cultivated plant. Prepare the leaves collected in the beginning of flowering (during formation(education) of buds). Preparations of a sage appoint for rinsings as anti-inflammatory and a disinfectant at diseases of a mucous membrane of a mouth and respiratory ways. The fresh sheet has bactericidal an effect. The dogrose ordinary is widely distributed in Russia - here grows about 60 kinds of this plant. The dogrose grows on fluvial plains, on water meadows, in bushes, on marges of a wood. It is cultivated. Лек. As raw material fruits serve, collect them up to frosts at full ripeness. Stack in baskets a small layer. The frozen raw material loses the medical properties. In domestic conditions fruits dry in a dryer or the furnace at temperature 90-100 hailstones. With, not supposing подгорания. Correctly dried up raw material should have буровато-red or yellow color. Store(keep) in the closed banks or мешочках 2 years. Preparations of a dogrose apply as vitamin means and to improvement of digestion. They have also anti-inflammatory an effect at diseases of a liver and a bilious bubble. Яблоня - лек. As raw material fruits and leaves serve. Fruits dry in the Russian furnace or an oven at temperature 50-60 hailstones. With. Store(keep) in bags 2 years. Fresh fruits store(keep) 3-6 мес. At temperature 4 hailstones. With. Leaves collect in June - July. Dry under a canopy, periodically overturning, or in a dryer at temperature 40-50 hailstones. With. Raw material count ready if черешки leaves at bending break, instead of will bend. Store(keep) in densely closed container 1 year. GATHERING
N1 Indications to application: it is applied inside at an avitaminosis, weakening of an organism, and also at a hypertension, an atherosclerosis, a diabetes, cold, a gastritis, diseases of a liver, kidneys, headaches and a sleeplessness.
Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up.
Indications to application: it is applied inside at disease of the top respiratory ways, cough, a pneumonia, a bronchitis, a bronchial asthma; for rinsings - at a laryngitis, ОРЗ.
Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N3 Indications to application: it is applied inside at простудных diseases, cough, a bronchitis, a bronchial asthma; наружно - at an inflammation of the top respiratory ways, a laryngitis, quinsy, a stomatitis, гингивите, purulent сыпях, wounds.
Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N5 Indications to application: it Is applied at weak диурезе, a pyelonephritis, urine and желчекаменной illnesses, a gout, a diabetes, a hepatites, a cholecystitis. Structure of gathering in weight parts: a labrador tea (runaways) - 1; a calendula (цветки) - 2; mint peppery (sheet) - 2; a yarrow (grass) - 1; a dogrose (fruits) - 2 Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N6 Indications to application: it Is applied at a hepatites, diseases of a liver with a jaundice, a cholecystitis, ангиохолите, желче-and urolithic illness, гломерулонефрите, a pyelonephritis, a cystitis. It is contra-indicated pregnant. Structure of gathering in weight parts: an immortele (цветки) - 1; зверобой (grass) - 1; a calendula (цветки) - 2; mint peppery (sheet) - 1; a tansy (цветки) - 1; a yarrow (grass) - 4; Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N7 Indications to application: it Is applied at pains in a stomach, locks, a stomach ulcer and 12-ia?noiie guts, it is preferable at raised(increased) acidity ЖС. Structure of gathering in weight parts: аир marsh (roots) - 1; a nettle (sheet) - 1; flax sowing (seed) - 4; a plantain (sheet) - 1; солодка (roots) - 1; a dogrose (fruits) - 2 Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N8 Indications to application: it Is applied at гастро-энтероколите, a gastritis, diarrheas, weak appetite, метеоризме, a stomach ulcer and 12-ia?noiie guts; preferably at lowered acidity ЖС. Structure of gathering in weight parts: девясил (root) - 2; a calendula (цветки) - 2; mint peppery (sheet) - 1; спорыш (grass) - 4; a yarrow (grass) - 2 Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N9 Indications to application: it Is applied at chronic gastritises, a stomach ulcer, malignant tumours of a stomach and other bodies. Structure of gathering in weight parts: a fruit body чаги - 12; a grass читотела - 3; roots солодки - 1; roots элеутерококка - 1; цветки tansies - 2 Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N10 Indications to application: it Is applied at infringement of a metabolism (a diabetes, a gout, an osteochondrosis, rheumatism). Structure of gathering in weight parts: string beans of a shutter, flax seeds, пустырника a grass, a hawthorn fruits, зверобоя a grass, a cowberry runaways, a dogrose fruits, mints peppery leaves, birches leaves. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N11 Indications to application: it Is applied at adjournment of salts, to clearing an organism of slags. Structure of gathering in weight parts: эрвы woolly a grass (half-floor), спорыша a grass, a horsetail field a grass, tansies цветки, an immortele цветки, крушины a bark, a yarrow a grass, bearberries leaves, currants black fruits, душицы a grass. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N12 Indications to application: it Is applied at excess weight, at infringement of a metabolism. Structure of gathering in equal weight parts: birches leaves, a hawthorn fruits, a cowberry runaways, зверобоя a grass, nettles leaves, corn columns, flax seeds, mountain ashes обыкн. Fruits, сенны leaves, солодки roots, a dogrose fruits. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N13 Indications to application: it Is applied inside at inflammatory diseases of female genitals. Местно at treatment of erosion шейки матки, at кольпите (under supervision of the doctor). It is contra-indicated pregnant. Structure of gathering in equal weight parts: аира roots, душицы a grass, flax seeds, nettles leaves, полыни a grass, camomiles цветки, бадана roots, tansies цветки, a yarrow a grass, спорыша a grass, the shepherd's bag a grass. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N14 Indications to application: it Is applied as addition to the basic medicinal treatment at disease of a thyroid gland. Structure of gathering in equal weight parts: a hawthorn fruits, девясила roots, душицы a grass, tansies цветки, валерианы roots, mountain ashes чернопл. Fruits, a yarrow a grass, fennel fruits, hop шишки, a dogrose fruits, пустырника a grass, a cowberry runaways. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GATHERING
N15 Indications to application: it Is applied inside (and also to baths and lotions) at rheumatism, ревматоидном an arthritis, a metabolic arthritis. Structure of gathering in equal weight parts: birches of a kidney, a birch leaves, a labrador tea runaways, зверобоя a grass, девясила roots, flax seeds, nettles leaves, fennel fruits, hop шишки, a cowberry runaways, спорыша a grass. Way of application: for preparation настоя take 1 table. лож. Mixes on 200 ml of boiled water, boil on a water bath under a cover of 15 mines. 45 minutes insist, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. IMMORTELE SANDY ЦВЕТКИ Indications to application: At diseases of a liver, bilious ways and a pancreas. Way of application: For preparation of broth 3 table. лож. Raw material fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up under a cover on a water bath, stirring slowly, 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes, filter, wring out, lead up up to 200 ml. Принимют on 1/2 glasses 2 times per day 15 minutes prior to meal warm. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. АИРА the MARSH RHIZOME Indications to application: At infringement of digestion. Way of application: For preparation настоя 1 table. лож. Raw material to fill 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover on a water bath, stirring slowly, 15 minutes to cool 45 minutes to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. To accept on 1/4 glasses 4 times per day 30 minutes prior to meal warm. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. BIRCHES LEAVES Indications to application: As diuretic, потогонное, желчегонное means. Way of application: For preparation настоя 2 table. лож. Raw material to fill 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover on a water bath, stirring slowly, 15 minutes to cool 45 minutes to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. To accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day before meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. MOTHER - И-МАЧЕХИ LEAVES Indications to application: At ларенгите, a tracheitis, a chronic bronchitis, бронхопневмонии, a bronchial asthma, бронхоэктатической illnesses. Way of application: For preparation настоя 1 table. лож. Raw material fill in 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover, stirring slowly, on a water bath of 15 minutes to cool 45 minutes to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. To accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day 1 hour prior to meal warm. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. СПОРЫША (ГОРЦА BIRD'S) the GRASS Indications to application: At diseases of kidneys and мочевыводящих ways; at a diarrhea; at маточных, intestinal and геморроидальных bleedings. Way of application: For preparation настоя 2 table. лож. Grasses fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up under a cover on a water bath of 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter, wring out, lead up up to 200 ml. Принимют on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day before meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. DOGROSE FRUITS Indications to application: For preventive maintenance and treatment гипо-and avitaminosises; for increase of resistibility of an organism to illnesses; it is recommended to add in all medical teas. Way of application: For preparation настоя 1 table. лож. Raw material to fill 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover in a water bath of 15 minutes to cool 45 minutes, to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/2 glasses 2 times per day after meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. ЗВЕРОБОЯ ПРОДЫРЯВЛЕННОГО the GRASS Indications to application: At disease ротоглотки, a gastroenteric path, a liver and kidneys. Way of application: For preparation of broth 1 table. лож. Raw material fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up under a cover on a water bath of 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes, filter, wring out, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day 30 minutes prior to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. ДУШИЦЫ ORDINARY the GRASS Indications to application: For improvement of digestion, increase of appetite; as отхархивающее, calming. Way of application: For preparation настоя 2 table. лож. Raw material fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up on a water bath of 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter, wring out, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept inside on 1/2 glasses 2 times per day 15 minutes prior to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. COWBERRY ORDINARY RUNAWAYS Indications to application: At disease of kidneys and a bladder; at infringements of a mineral exchange (a diabetes, an osteochondrosis, a gout, rheumatism). Way of application: For preparation of broth 1-2 table. лож. Raw material to fill 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover on a water bath of 30 minutes, cool 10 minutes to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. To accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. FLAX SOWING SEEDS Indications to application: At inflammatory and ulcer processes in a digestive path; as easy laxative; as мягчительное at dry cough. Way of application: For preparation of slime 1 table. лож. Raw material fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, shake up 15 minutes, filter, wring out. Accept inside on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day 30 minutes prior to meal. Use only just prepared slime of seeds. As seeds of flax accept laxative on 1-3 чайн. лож. With water 2-3 times per day 30 minutes prior to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. ЭРВЫ WOOLLY the GRASS Indications to application: At diseases of kidneys and мочевыводящих ways; at infringements of a salt exchange, for очищения an organism from slags. Way of application: For preparation настоя 1 table. лож. Raw material to fill 200 ml. Boiled water to heat up under a cover, stirring slowly, on a water bath of 15 minutes to cool 45 minutes to filter, wring out, add up to 200 ml. To accept inside on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day 20-30 minutes prior to meal warm. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. GRASS of the YARROW ORDINARY Indications to application: At diseases of a digestive path. Way of application: For preparation настоя 2 table. лож. Grasses fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up on a water bath of 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, filter, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept inside on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day 30 minutes prior to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. ПУСТЫРНИКА INTIMATE the GRASS Indications to application: At the raised(increased) nervous excitability, a sleeplessness, frustration ЦНС, a stenocardia, hypertonic illness. Way of application: For preparation настоя 3 table. лож. Grasses fill in 200 ml. Boiled water, heat up on a water bath, stirring slowly, 15 minutes, Cool 45 minutes, filter, wring out, lead up up to 200 ml. Accept on 1/3 glasses 3 times per day for 1 ч. Up to meal. Conditions of storage: raw material store(keep) in a dry, dark, cool place. Приготовленый insist - in a cool place (no more than two day). Before the use insist to shake up. People in increasing frequency address to national medicine, namely - to траволечению because frequently grasses consult(cope) with malfunctions in an organism not worse medicines, not harming thus to health. The spectrum of action of each grass is very wide. And the skilful combination of different grasses can strengthen and emphasize those or other medical properties of the basic plant in structure of gathering. Write: |
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