Our project is concluded in the following:
The ensemble gigantic combine exists In the world on conversion of the
waste-paper. For usage each of them are daily required groups of ten and
hundreds of the tons cheese. The Supplier of the waste-paper for them,
basically, are a polygraphic combines and printing houses, located in
large city and capital. For provincial printing house problematic and
unprofitable to store, keep and transport their own waste,so-as costs
on these purposes often exceed expected, or supposed incoms from realization.
Thereby, the much valuable cheese changes in rubbish, or is burned; burnted.
To solve this problem, we offer on Your consideration following project.
Build, produce the montage and use in provincial different city ecological
clean mini-plants with closed by cycle,on conversion of the waste-paper
and production from it paper towel, napkins, toilet paper and different
paper tare. The Given mini-plants have not a world analogue on the basis
of their own technical features. On count their recoupment - not more
than 6 months. The Realization of this project will contribute the feasible
contribution to deal of protection and guard surrounding ambiences, will
protect from chopping hectares wood and will allow to create the additional
worker of the place. We are ready to build the series a mini-plant in
any country of the world, where there is in this need. Ready to give so-
any interesting You information.
paper mass
to finished products
Ecological clean production data mini-plant is conditioned:
the closed cycle of the technological process and use ecological clean
cheese - a departure of the paper and water, without accompaniment what-
or "chemistries".
Interesting You questions You may assign on e-mail and we with pleasure
shall give exhausting answers to them.