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The Exit school of Bronnikov. about method We Offer to repose on nature and learn or be cured (the diagnostics possible to pass beforehand) on unique method harmony function of the organism of the academician V.M. Bronnikov: 1 variant - a city Feodosiya (the Ukraine); 2 variants - ashore Volga (refer to Volga); 3 variants - under Lake (the unique place of power and future ecovillage) - a residence in house 10 $/day, in tent - 5 $/day (summer). The Occupations on the first step conduct the certificated specialists of the method. The Price of the whole rate - 300 $ (10 occupations on 2 hours or 5 occupations on 4 hours).
The Program on tourism. The
Thumbnail sketch.
Development skill natural recovery, range to sensitivity and preventive
maintenances of the diseases. The Development to abilities to feel the
energy of its organism and control its life power, enables constantly
to save the active condition that allows not to tire. The General recovery,
activation and increase defensive function organism - teach not to be
ill. The Mastering technology reluctances negative energoinformation influences:
people, technical facilities and ambiences. The Development new level
feeling and creative abilities. 2. II step of the education "Development of the internal vision". The Development skill to superconscious function - a BIOCOMPUTER. The Development to abilities conciously, on command to create the screen of the internal vision (with closed eye), control mentally screen and scene. This ability similar possibility personal computer. The Mastering by ability to see its organism inwardly. Teaches to create the information database, gain the new types to memories: biocomputer, photographic (for fraction of a second to fix on screen big volume to information). These abilities vastly perfect the process of the education. Developed biocomputer executes the function many instrument (the hours, compass, binoculars, note pad, personal secretary and etc.). It Is Pawned in биокомпъютер, and is kept information on all scholastic subject without some load. This opens the new operative possibilities necessary leader - a Person Conscious. Allows to see inwardly itself energoinformation structures, take away the negative influences and form the new defensive characteristic for reluctance. Education enables to see inwardly itself in six directions simultaneously that is to say holo, developping multifunctional possibilities of the brain. Shaping personal characteristic and quality biocomputer. These possibility develop the unclaimed characteristic, quality and abilities of the brain of the person. 3. III step of the education "Development of the direct vision of the person". The
Development of the abilities of the external vision with closed eye. The
External vision opens the outlook for designing of its health. The Direct
vision enables be orientated in unassisted space eye, see in the dark,
enlarge the microobjects and draw near the remote objects. The Closed
eye to read the books, draw, roller-skate and etc. These abilities required
for lifelength of objectivity of the functioning biocomputer and possibility
of the further its development. Allows to see internal material and energoinformation
structures of the people and object. The Mastering technology selfprogramming
the brain. Use system-holistic psychology for work with information in
space and at time.
Energoinformation expert operation of the condition 2.Rehabilitation blind and bad see The
Method allows to possess the alternative vision under innate pathology
visual-nervious device eye, loss of the vision as a result of traumas,
heavy chronic disease, cutting fall quips of the vision.
to motor function; The Course to rehabilitations consists of the following
stage: - a preliminary diagnostics of the condition of the patient. 4. The Rehabilitation of the somatic diseases. Under chronic disease (including sugar diabetes), is conducted sanitary course on the individual program. To account harmony functioning all organ and systems, reinforcements energyexchange, developments direct and inverse internal biological relationships occurs general recovery of the organism. Change level sahara in shelters already does not cause cutting the deterioration of the general state. III. Educational program 1.
The Unique possibilities to higher education. Shaping the virtual institute. 3.
The School of the shaping "Human capital". Is an elite by educational
institution, executes the primary task before state in education and preparing
the personalities, being leader in social process, for performing the
most social significant tasks society. 1.
The Lectures on Kosmopsihobiologii. The Rate introductory lecture on subject:
- a Bases philosoph; - A Method V.M. Bronnikova; -Technology of the business
success; - A New culture of the household relations. Upstairs... Write: |
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