ECOTURIZM    russian version

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Ecovillages of Russia.

Here material is presented about already established ecovillages Russia such as - Grishino, Neva-Ekovil, Kitezh and others., as well as about only ing...

A good way to relax for one who has a wish to escape from civilization and plunge into wild life Russian Province invites!

Ecotourism is getting more and more popular all over the word.

We offer relaxing and adventure holidays for all ages.

If you want to:
- plunge into the natural life of Russian province free from problems of civilization; o watch wild nature, pick up berries, mushrooms, herbs; o learn local traditions of gardening; - eat fresh organic fruit and vegetables not treated with chemicals, free range eggs and fresh natural diary products produced by local farmers;
- get power and energy of natural environment;
- have unforgettable impressions observing beautiful landscapes; - To achieve harmony in your thoughts and feelings among original sounds of nature
- participate in holidays of the settlement (the round dance with singing, plays, dance, singing songs at the compfire) in they pass during your stay
Welcome to "Rodniki"

Ecomanor "Rodniki" (Spings) it are located in the Centre of Russia in 1000 km from Moscow and in 60 km from the town of Glazov (Udmurt Republic). The territory of the settlement is 250 hectares. 25 families are building their manors in the ecologicaly clean and picturesque place on the hills.

There is no electricity in the manners, but a project of receiving alternative power is being made. There are two ponds, a small and clean river near the manors and a lot of springs. This is a place with unique flora and fauna, virgin forest, new pine forest , fresh healthy air.
The Inhabitants of the settlement offer you to plunge into the world of virgin nature. You will be able to:
- eat ecologically pure and fresh food, o pick up berries and mushrooms,
- prepare jam from fresh berries for your family.
- walk among beautiful nature,
- ride on horseback and go fishing,
- visit Russian banya (bathhouse)
- sing songs at the campfire.
- enjoy fresh air, singing of the birds and aroma of meadows. - taste fresh bread from Russian stove.
- get acquainted to rural lifestyle of the Russian province. We'll show you real Russian hospitality.

Cost of the staying at the manors is 1000 rubles for one person in day (we offer five fill board night s, but) In cost of the passenter:
- staying in a wooden cabin
- vegetarian food (three times a day - food is possible to chonge ) after a consul tation with coordinator
- meeting in Glazov and accompaniment before settiement
Extra payment
- Russian banya (sauna). 300 rubles per hour.- Horse Riding. 300 rubles per hour. - Other entertainments according to your wish If you want to spend your vacation in "Rodniki" write to our coordinator Please, tell us in your letter what family you would like to stay in, time of your arrival and how long you would like to stay.
Please don't forget to give your e-mail and telephone.You may tell us about your special wishes and suggestions and ask any questions.
See you soon in "Rodniki"!


Kirovskaya area (Vyatka) RP Olega Kochkina

32 km from g. Kirov. The Settling exists since 2001 - 78 place. It Presently is legally arranged land (the lease for 50 years). The Places beautiful and ecological чистые, asphalted road gets to temple (but from temple before our village of the metre 300), and here ends. From village before timber pond two kilometers, before nearest stream of the order 4-5. On hand preliminary resolutions to administrations of the village soviet about separation земельного area by size 1 ga, category of the lands - a land сельхозназначения, type of the target use - conduct personal subsidiary facilities. Hereinafter, us necessary to arrange the passport an земельных area (install the borders and agree смежества) - can do the design organization, having corresponding to license. Each passport will dispense in 300-500 roubles approximately. Then, the administration of the village soviet will publish the dictations about approving the borders each земельного area on presented passport and about transfer specified земельных area in lease for 50 years. Hereinafter, with these document (the preliminary resolution, passport земельного area, dictation about approving the borders and granting the area in lease) go in земельную кадастровую chamber. There, the земельным area assign the кадастровые of the number, prepare and give on hands кадастровые plans земельных area. With these plan we go back in administration с/с, where conclude the agreement of the lease земельных area. Hereinafter, this agreement necessary to register in regional registration chamber (he takes effect since day of such registrations). In principle, possible aquisition of the land in property (the lessee has a primary right of the buying земельного area - st. 22 p.8 Zemelinogo Code RF). Gain the land s/h purposes in property possible and before leaving the law, adjusting turn of the agricultural lands (the restriction of the turn земельных area does not spread on земельные area, transferred people for the individual housing, гаражного construction, conduct personal subsidiary and дачного facilities (our event), horticulture, stock-breeding and огородничества - st. 27 p. 7 ZK RF).
Vologodskaya area NP "Uniting Land"
Vologodskaya area, Vytegorskiy (Onezhskoe lake) and Vashkinskiy (Lipin Boron, White lake) regions. There is agreement with local administration on making the network экопоселений, consisting of Generic place, on territory Vologodskoy area, in Vytegorskom and Vashkinskom (Lipin Boron) region. Vytegorskiy region is located ashore Onezhskogo lake, Lipin Boron ashore White lake. These regions have an ensemble small lake and stream. All place strangely beautiful! The Mushrooms, berries. Zemelinyy committee Vytegorskogo region selects 1га in property (for present-day day) for...65 hack.!!! 200 cubes wood (gratis) on construction of the building and other help. The Programs and projects of the development eco-business, which were offered district administration, complex, were bound solely only on base экопоселений from Generic place. This signifies - will be a functioning. This signifies possible on place to earn and be built. For this necessary businessmans with чистыми помыслами.
Ekoposelenie "Piterskoe"
Vologodskaya pledge., Vologodskiy р-он, beside 15 km from p. Kipelovo, 2 km from r. Oil. From Vologdy 1 - 1,5 hours by regular bus "Vologda - Kipelovo" (4 times at day) or electric train "Vologda - CHerepovec" before st. Kipelovo. Coniferous, leafy and mixed wood, four полузаброшенные to villages. The Settling s the International Charitable Fund "Peresvet" on the basis эколого-social manor of the Cococatch. The Administration Vologodskogo district selects the compact territory by total area more than 600 ga. At present conduct designing the settling, selecting the people, presentation trips etc. The Site:
Rostovskaya region Project "Raskity"
Rostovskaya region, Neklinovskiy district, p.Raskity. Raskity - an abandoned farm, abandoned in 70-h year XX age. In 2001 eight persons have taken in lease on hectare of the land. The Springtime and summer they veins in Raskitah, but зимовать returned in Rostov - in most village while that зимовать nowhere. In settling no electricity, the pluming, gas and other comfort. The Pit there is. Mastering the land only begins...


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