ECOTURIZM    russian version

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The Exotic tourism for foreigner in Russia.

Russia - a country of the every sort and kind of miracles.
Outwardly this looks sometimes as chaos-disorder.
However, stands little fly, what see the inimitable harmony like raging ocean, miraculous pattern - a standing waves. This concerns not only new morality, but also new roads, buildings, cultural valuables.
Where as far back as world build the persisting one hundred metres of the pyramid, as in Moscow and group of ten other city?

Arrive in Russia!
And we shall show You not only dry - phantom, old-time, but more perch together in alive flows indiscribable fascinating cultural - psychic modern Realii. The Trips on night гудящей capital or acquaintance with бытом new rustic russian - all this will leave amazing and indelible trace in Your while else sleepy-enchanted and cloyed shower of the west person. Our rest - not simply rest. This else and awakening, fly!

Dare, wait!!!
А from usual - simply rest - is provided: walks - a runs on nature, go;drive horseback and, photohunt, water skis on river elbowroom of Volga, sanitary practical persons, old-time russian orthodox temple and slavonic commune visit with explanation of the symbology of the ritual and scenes. Tasty - an useful food and a great deal another.

The Ecological tourism. Caucasus - an dolimans.
This year I conducted two expeditions on mountain Caucasus and coast Black epidemic deathes. We went the small group, ated the strawberry, herbs, mushrooms Have Rescued on the land, without tents - a Land-Mother rowed. Has Struck us all twenty years old american man, which in the beginning was afraid whole natural - a midge, sea waves, snake, darknesses, but at the end this was a hero from heroes. Presently he rings, very complacent and quite does not feel sorry about considerable money expenses.
On Caucasus hundreds dolimens, this ancient megalithium - him 3-10 thousand years. We have visitted some of them, very unusual impressions, megalithium nearly "as alive".
The Mountain yard and waterfalls, springs, lizards, firefly, terrapins, racoons and martens - all this is infused in shower for ever.
But small film sinks in this grandeur again and again.
Shorter, invite - since April on November.


" EKZOTUR" or Landshaftnye Plays of the Seventh Race.
The Hedgehog understandable that each person it is necessary little more to be on nature Here is the other day in Botanical Garden in most centre of the Moscow spoke with one talkative lady, from which so and "went" : "Each day here go, vapour of the hours sit - and I person. If - no, fall ill ". This lady I have named "ecoman", her harm, her personal "pressure" to the Land close to zero. She nowhere nothing do not change, lives simply - "where was born , there and was useful". But after all even from usual дачников there is too harm - they land under its home do dead and in city, and on nature. Presently else mode beside young appeared - leave the city in village and live there семьей, общинкой or commune. Such "ecovillage" on planet already thousand, yes and in Russia that groups of ten, that hundreds. They after all itself specifically do not flaunt, not therefor run down from "perishing" civilizations. And there occurs much interesting, on all plan life - a nonexistences. Here is already years 10-15 we participate in this motion, have personal contacts with many from these "firing range future", and similars comed time to show their wanting. This and will "Ekzotur". What - what, but exotic things there is enough - complitly experiments, particularly overseas. The Truth to go there not all on pocket so we begin publish on put the photo and short explanations on the most interesting foreign commune.
On - Podmoskovie, Kaluzhskaya - Tuliskaya area, Voronezsh - an Eagle shall go on auto and zh\d. Dig denonki.
Else, there is one important thing. Similars the Apocalypse for us ended, and that who has survived and детей our will "lead" now several on - other, quicker.
Will Go with all might plays "Landshaftnye" - an education on-move and on run, in real life. What teaches the wolf to small wolfs. Here is example of the play "Matrix - Noosfera" - for "eczotur" - an applicant. In sunday with morning receipts on VDNH - VVC to pavilion "Culture".
Polyubuysya on pillars, on Star on them, sit on small bench Can be will here appear the instructor Ekzotura. If no, even better - act itself: go aside Botanical Garden (possible on road to have a bite in pavilion "Floriculture"), walk in Garden hour - another, cross him through and leave on trolley bus aside Altufieva. Pokayfovati in тихом town transport. But midway - a cut-in "Will To the left go, will to the right go " "ALTUFEVA" - an Allah Loafer Eva Allah, mosque see on the right. Ruling side - a way religion, autobath.
Evu if carrying - on the left - a Museum Vasilieva, jungle magic, bicycle.
But loafers откинешь if straight двинешь, their own "foot", and there Temple of the Angel to help can dart out from sandpaper of the city - for MKAD. Through prodigy - a poppy heads - "bird houses" Possible truth and everywhere visit - that there "or-or", passed that timeses.

The Clear idea Landshaftnyh Simulator?
do;make Route itself 2 - on "South". Receipts on conversation. The Success! ! ! !

Summer routes on bicycle - organizing donation for conductor - minimum.

Other ekzoturs are developed, including Voronezsh. Keep a check on renovations of the site!

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