ECOTURIZM russian version on main Get acquainted with: map of site "ECORUS" |
The Blue stone. The Route 1: Pereslavli-Zalesskiy - Plescheevo lake - "Blue stone". The Price of the aurochs depends on accomodations sightseer (the tent, hotel, house), transport and feeding (from 50$ for two days with person). Vblizi Pereslavlya -Zalesskogo is found Ecovillage"Blagodati". The Route 2: Museum Konstantina Vasilieva - Gremyachiy waterfall (3 adviseable sources with bathhouse), for extrim in winter! - 1 day - 40 USD. The Route 3: Museum Konstantina Vasilieva - Gremyachiy waterfall (Sergiya Radonezhskogo) - Pereslavli-Zalesskiy - a Blue stone - a Miraculous cross (came up for vicinity Rostov in 1430. together with icon Nikolaya Sycophant) - Rostov Great (2 days - from 150 USD.) The Route 4: Museum Konstantina Vasilieva - Abramcevo - Sergiev put; plant (1 day - 40.; 2 days - 150 USD.). Vblizi Sergieva put;plant are found Ecovillages "Light", "Mirodolie", "Emotional".
The Legend about " blue stone". At one time on the Land of the vein two civilizations: Giperborei and Atlanta. A Temple was Beside hyperboron on north pole. The Temple was multivariate and was shown by passage in the other worlds. Giperborei were a great magician. This was a civilization keepquiets, since beside they existed the culture not interruptions of the thoughts of the person-creator.
But here is atlanta on the contrary were an speakers. They will go on way of the joining to magics and technology. They had and viman, and magic truncheons. When atlanta has taken top a sin to pride for their own creative activity, they have solved to select beside hyperboron Temple All World and have uncorded the war. In the beginning Giperborei easy withstood the atlanta, but then atlanta created the enormous blue stone, have provided with his destructive magic and have started in Temple. Giperborei having collected whole its magic power has crushed this stone on piece. A Part of them got on Sun and has burned;burnted, a part on the Moon and hitherto lies there, but also that part that reached the Temple was enough on that to its destroy. The Temple has left in the centre of the Land and there burst, having caused terrible earthquakes and floods, but Giperborei have haved time to go in the other worlds. So perished Atlantida. And hitherto piece "blue stone" "creep" to one another to restore former power, but the Moon to pull to the Land, causing tides. On photo is distinctly seen trace left stone after during collectivization its have sunk in lake. А before this its dig in land, from the land he too creep...
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