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Black currant.

" If people consumed enough of vitamins they not only would be in general are more healthy, but also would live on the average for 15 years longer. " - Linus Poling, unique
in the world twice the winner of Nobel Prizes.

5. Berries of a currant of grade "Veloi"

Black currant for light life.

I live in currant`s garden! In my collection cream of world selection of a black currant, more than 160 largefruits grades with berries about a cherry, with berry of a grapes are collected, plums, weight up to 9 grammes are larger!!! Such collection is not present more in all other world.

The smallest in the world of the doctor.

Each berry of a black currant up to the latest molecule - the small doctor most knowing, the most tender and the most gentle. Under recipes of a nature millions magic molecules look after all sections of our body correctly. One vitamin C (an ascorbic acid) in biochemical processes of our organism understands better, than all academicians of medicine. If this vitamin natural. C in tablet in dozes more than 200 mg. Becomes the enemy. In a black currant all is curative: berries, kidneys, stalks, leaves. And a smell!!!

" If I shall be ill, to doctors to address I not shall begin. "

In a polyclinic ask my medical book. Will not find. At us as? If not you go there, you already and are not present. There know, Russian man do not like to be late in this world. And I for a long time have already survived. If the book was kept - it the most thin and clean.
So was not always. In up to-currant times on spring I complained to doctors. Doctors spoke - an avitaminosis and wrote out tablets. But the summer residence has appeared, we have planted bushes of a black currant. Have not noticed, how abundance of berries has appeared. Tablets were gone. About 87 years (do not live so much) have forgotten me the doctor.

Health of the nation in a glass.
Berries in a deep-freezer keep all heat of a left summer. They also can be dehydrated. But more cheaply to keep the most valuable substances of berries, having transformed them in a wine or in vinegar. A wine - the same berry, only in a liquid condition. All substances of berries in it are kept, only sugar have offered themselves and have turned to spirit, in natural natural preservative. Curative substances of berries are stored in it years, centuries. Write, do not drink fault. And do not drink. Odd fellows in the world much. Do not want to drink water of life, it is necessary to drink solutions from dead tablets which advertises Andron Mihalkov-Konchalovski... His mother was cleverer, was going íàñòîè and balms on kidneys of a black currant.

6. A grade of currant "Katusha"

Intolerable pleasure.
In Italy per day it is necessary to the soldier of half-litre fault. It do not drink - savour. Where drink a wine, there it does not happen excite. Clever directors animalplant valuable to animals give a wine - the fur shines more brightly, there is no furfur. Vinegar from berries keeps alive medicines even easier. Any truck farmer will provide with vitamins of the maximum test the family better, than any minister of any country. Your health can be better royal. Badly is only to who does not have own ground. Such only receive more. In the most part of Russia the grapes does not grow. But the nature of northerners has not offended, it has awarded with their berry plants with richer set of useful substances. Scientists assert: the bucket of juice from southern fruits will replace one glass of juice from northern berries. Nevertheless, in our great, rich, mighty and invincible country simply frightening growth of an avitaminosis is marked.

It would be desirable for all to name by name.

" … Insomnia. Gomer. Hard sails …
I have read the list of the ships up to middle … "-
Has got hoarse Mandelshtam.

That also you to not drive in insomnia, the list of grades I reduce not half, and multiply seven. I leave most eminent of them - cream from cream .
Peer at the list. All grades sound beautifully and in Russian. Foreign grades are available, but they concede Soviet. Remember the slogan: Soviet, means, - the best, - to a black currant it is completely fair.
Author's description grades IADRIONAIA of Lydia Nikiforovny Zabelinoj: " the Bush compact, under weight of a crop slightly sprawling. Runaways of average thickness, direct, elastic. Berries large (average weight of a berry 3,2, maks. - 7,8), black, sweet - sour taste with a thick thin skin, dense pulp. It is exacting to the agricultural technician. Transportability high. Dry soluble substances - 11 %, tannic - 0,31, acids - 3,5, sugars - 8,4-8,9 %, vitamin With - 96 mg of %. " Found berries in weight 9,2 ãð., they can be compared to apples ranetka.

7. A currant of grade "Veloi"

The grandfather, you has specially made to me such sweet life?

My 4-years grandson "works" as the agriculturist - the guide. Sits on a 3-wheel bicycle and touching legs by the ground goes on pathes of an extensive garden, carrying away visitors, treats them the most sweet with a cherry plum, surprises with fruits of the immense sizes, regrets, that visitors were late to try gimolost. " Wild strawberry at us in - î-îò such! La-la!, have departed to the most sweet plum. " The Question of the grandson has sounded for me a song. It more valuable awards.

Last stroke.

Even many years of active work with plants it happens insufficiently to learn all secrets gardenings. To you an example. In middle of June, in time optimum and prompt rooting of plants, I have transferred leading experts GBS(the Main Botanical Garden) the Academy of sciences of Russia seedling raspberries. Itself to take them it was not possible to train in special conditions of planting it was not possible, and transfer through the third hands always reaches by a principle of " the spoiled phone ". In some days has phoned with main addressee and has asked as they have planted plantings. To Malines they have planted "correctly" - in hole and is direct. And it was necessary to put incorrectly in trench and it is curve. At vertical an arrangement of stalks of a raspberry, a black currant, gimolost, a gooseberry it is very difficult to protect them from heat and winds. It is much easier to organize protection if stalks to direct on ground. In this case becomes simpler shelter of plants from the sun and winds straw, a grass, rags. At such planting it is necessary to spray in each 30 minutes.To look after it is active 2-4 weeks and to win the whole year. It is possible to simplify a leaving, at " to curve planting almost all stalk ground. The less leaves will leave above, the is more sure rooting is possible on 100 %. Such lecture I has read the oldest the expert GBS, finished agricultural academy Timiriazeva, receiving pension.

6. A currant of grade "IADRIONAIA" - the largest berries

To gardeners and not gardeners it is devoted.

" On a canvas field, on a canvas field, on a canvas field I plant aluminium cucumbers. " - the Pop song.

And where also what you plant? Whether know, that the kitchen garden on which fruit and berries perfectly grow, a potato and vegetables for some cultures can become "canvas", ferro-concrete. The blueberry high ("American" adores air-penetrable ground in 1 000 times more sour and on 1 000 degrees is warmer Moscow, moreover demands micoriz. And that this such we have overlooked in 6 class. For the sake of a blueberry I deface fine ground - chernozem. Has brought 4 ÊÀÌÀZà riding peat, has disorganized a thin layer on 0,2 ga. Return debts to " the London club ", I shall bring as much pine sawdust, sand. River and from karier do not suit. Will rescue sand from under pine under which the blueberry likes to grow. A quarter of century I dream of it. If it has planted, necessarily would ruin. Toward the end lifes necessarily I shall take into account all its wishes and I shall land with respect appropriate to it. Ingeniously, whether the truth?

Less means more.

Gardeners frequently transform cultural plants into weeds. In them does not fly a solar beam. Berries practically you do not see. At the gardener of the present each sheet of a raspberry (a currant, apple-tree) bathes in solar beams. Distance between lines at it are equal to height of the given grade, in a number of 10 powerful runaways on a running metre. It is difficult to remember? All superfluous runaways equate to weeds. You are surprised to the miracle created by you, will be pleased power of stalks. Only on thick stalks "thick" berries grow. Look closely at a photo. Malines and a currant land through 70 see in a line, in their bushes on 7 stalks. The it is less branch in a bush, the above a crop, the it is more probability to become the champion. To you it will damage?

Like and all. But at all because in mine head memory is exhausted, everything simply else it is necessary to comprehend in practice.

Ôàäþêîâ Â.Ì. To the beginning

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